NFL Odds, Betting Lines & Point Spreads - Yahoo Sports

NFL Odds

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NFL odds guide

What do NFL odds look like?

There are three common NFL betting lines: the side, total and moneyline.

Side: The side refers to the point spread. While the odds can fluctuate, most sides are -110, meaning you have to bet $110 to win $100.

Cowboys -7 -100

Giants +7 -110

In that example, the Cowboys are a 7-point favorite and must win by more than 7 to win the bet. If the game ends with a 7-point Cowboys win, the bet is a push and you get your money back.

Total: The total also generally has -110 odds on each side. The sportsbook sets a line, such as 48.5, and bettors decide whether the game will go over or under that total.

Moneyline: The moneyline removes the point spread. Bettors take a team to win straight up.

Packers -200

Bears +180

In this example, a bettor must lay $200 to win $100 on the Packers. A $100 bet on the Bears would win $180, but Chicago has to win straight up.

Are there extra bets for big games like the Super Bowl?

Sportsbooks will offer proposition bets, or “props,” on big games. Props are famously associated with Super Bowl betting.

For the Super Bowl there are prop bets on many different things, like which player will score the first touchdown and even the color of the Gatorade dumped on the winning coach. A common prop bet is on yards for specific players, such as “Tom Brady over/under 305.5 passing yards.”