‘Why are you introducing yourself backwards?’: Catherine Tate’s Nan mocks Daniel Craig’s James Bond on Comic Relief | The Independent

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‘Why are you introducing yourself backwards?’: Catherine Tate’s Nan mocks Daniel Craig’s James Bond on Comic Relief

The pair met unexpectedly in the offices of MI6 boss M

Ellie Harrison
Friday 19 March 2021 22:09 GMT
No Time To Die - Trailer

Daniel Craig and Catherine Tate teamed up for a James Bond-themed sketch in BBC One’s Red Nose Day special for Comic Relief.

Tate brought back her “Nan” character for the skit, which saw her getting a job as a cleaner at the office of MI6 boss, M.

While cleaning, Nan accidentally pushes a red button with her feather duster, prompting Craig’s spy to pop up on a computer screen on the desk, saying: “Reporting for duty.”

“The name’s Bond, James Bond,” he says.

“Why are you introducing yourself backwards?” replies Nan.

Tate’s character then mocks the government for its heavily criticised advert that suggested a ballet dancer could “reboot” her career and retrain as an IT worker amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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“I used to be a ballerina,” Nan says. “I didn’t know it then but my next job was in cleaning.”

Adding that she’s just had the vaccine, she reveals: “I lick people’s faces now just because I can. You don’t realise how much you miss those interactions until they’re gone.”

Bond looks on, perplexed. When she mocks him for drinking vodka cocktails, he defends himself, saying they are “sophisticated and manly”.

Earlier in the show, Russell Brand impersonated Joe Wicks and made a joke about Dominic Cummings, and David Tennant was almost moved to tears by a rendition of a song by The Proclaimers.

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