Individual & Couple Counselling Difference | Modern Therapy

The Difference Between Individual and Couple Counselling

The Difference Between Individual and Couple Counselling

When we are in a relationship, we face problems together, big and small. Some couples go for relationship counselling so they can understand each other better, learn relationship skills to make their relationship stronger. However sometimes one partner feels a need to work through their issues. So, should you do individual counselling or couples counselling?

Couples counselling means both partners meet a counsellor together to work on their relationship issues. In individual counselling one or both partners see a therapist on their own, working on personal or relationship-related issues. Both types of therapy can help you become a better partner in your relationship.

Deciding which type of therapy you should go to depends on what you need. Below, we talk about the advantages of both. Just remember, what works for one couple might not be right for another, so decide what fits your needs the best.

Individual Counselling

You can see a relationship counselling therapist for individual counselling for relationship issues whether you’re in a relationship or not. If you’re having issues communicating with people, you can talk about you a relationship counsellor about your thoughts and problems with a relationship counsellor. Working with a therapist helps you understand yourself better, which can improve your relationship.

In individual counselling, you have the therapist’s full attention. You can focus on your challenges and talk about whatever is bothering you. You might discuss your thoughts, actions, or issues in your relationship.

In individual counselling you have complete privacy so you can feel comfortable talking about personal issues or thoughts about your relationship. This can be helpful if you’re new to therapy or dealing with mental health issues. Therapy can also help you learn about yourself and why you act the way you do in relationships.

But individual counselling might not solve all problems for couples. When there is only only one partner in therapy, your therapist only hears one side of the story. This can lead to misunderstandings and a biased view of the issue. The benefit of individual counselling is that it can be useful if one partner isn’t ready for therapy yet. You can still learn and bring back helpful tools to improve your relationship. Bringing your partner to a session or two can also help the therapist understand their side better.

What Issues Are Better Treated in Individual Counselling

Mental health struggles might be best dealt with in one-on-one therapy, at least you can start seeing a therapist on your own. If you are dealing with imposter syndrome, lack of motivation, or childhood trauma, you could get better support in individual counselling. Other issues you can bring to individual counselling can be excessive worry about t something, sadness, depression, overuse of drugs or alcohol, or trouble controlling anger.
Saying sad though in our clinic we believe that these issues can and sometimes should be resolved in the context of relationship counselling.

How Does Relationship Counselling Work? | Modern Therapy Clinic
Couples Counselling

Couples counselling helps partners talk and solve problems together with a therapist. Unlike individual counselling where you are the focus of therapy, couples counselling deals with partner interaction. In this case, the client is ‘your relationship’. You can ask questions and share your thoughts. This helps you to see things from another person’s perspective.

When there’s a problem, the therapist examines both sides and helps find solutions. Together with a relationship counsellor you will explore your interactions to understand why you act the way you do. You might need to talk about your past experiences that affect how you feel and behave now.

In couples counselling the focus is on relationship problems and finding ways to communicate better. Therapists give tips and exercises to practice at home.

Sometimes couples therapy might feel less personal because the focus is on your interactions, triggers, and emotional responses. If you need to unpack some long-standing issues it is hard to cover everything in a couples therapy session. Some personal problems might need individual therapy to work through properly.

Also, in couples therapy, one person might feel uncomfortable sharing some facts in front of their partner. As therapists, we will encourage you to be transparent with your partner but we understand you might need some time to open up to them. If you are not ready, we can help you with setting boundaries and rules. For couples counselling to work, both partners need to be committed and make time for it. If one isn’t ready, progress might be slower, and, sometimes, impossible.

Issues To Be Addressed in Couples Counselling

Couples deal with many of problems, from lack of intimacy and different parenting style to extra marital affairs or abuse. Couples counsellors are really beneficial to through these issues. Relationship counselling or pre-marital counselling can help people who are thinking about getting married or are not sure about their relationship. Therapist will help you to get clarity and point out to potential problems in your marriage.

How Do These Compare

In individual counselling you can talk with a therapist about your feelings and thoughts. The goal is to feel better, understand yourself and your behaviour, build confidence and resilience, overcome fears, build boundaries so you can be more yourself, ask for what you want, heal trauma and find compassion for yourself. In couples counselling a therapist will help you and your partner to talk about your problems and improve how you communicate with each other.
Individual counselling can use different techniques and strategies to help you to overcome personal issues, learn how to manage stress better, build self-care routine. Couples counselling focuses on how you interact so you will learn some communication skills to practice at home. Both types of therapy will help you to build your confident, regulate your emotions better, feel closer and happier in your relationships.

Individual and Couples Counselling - A Mix Of Both

If possible, it would be very beneficial for you therapy journey to see a counsellor individually and as couple. If it’s the same counsellor you can have some sessions on your own and some together. This will allow you talk about your personal perspective in the context of your relationship. If you are not ready to be completely open with your partner though it could be difficult to keep things private and being open when seeing the same therapist. If you go for combined therapy with the same therapist, you need to set clear rules between the individual and couple sessions to make sure both meet your personal and relationship needs.

If possible, you can see your own individual counsellor at the same time as seeing a couples therapist, as we always bring personal issues into our relationship. In individual therapy you can work with your personal issues on a more profound level.

And if you’re not finding what you need with your current therapy style, or if you want to try something else, you can always switch it up. The main thing is to learn more about yourself and your relationship, aiming to be a better partner in a better relationship.

What If You Choose the Wrong Type of Counselling

Trying out different types of therapy is like trying on different shoes until you find the ones that feel just right. If you think you’ve picked the wrong therapist or type of therapy, don’t worry. It’s totally okay to rethink and try something else. Therapy is about finding the best way for you to feel better and grow. So, if you’re not sure what to do next, just know there are many other therapists and ways of doing therapy that could be a better fit. It’s all about finding what works best.

So Which One Should You Choose?

When you are looking for the right therapist, the smart thing to do is to go with the one that feels like the right fit for you. If you your relationship could use some help, couples counselling might be the way to go. But if you’re the one needing extra support for your mental health, individual therapy could be more helpful. If you’re dealing with both relationship and personal issues, a mix of both types of therapy might be worth trying. Some folks find it helpful to do individual therapy first and then go to couples counselling with their partner later. That’s totally okay, and your therapist might even suggest it. Choose what seems most relevant to you, and if you’re not getting the results you want, you can always switch things up. Remember, this journey is all about what works best for you.

Other Benefits of Relationship Counselling | Modern Therapy Clinic
Come to Our Modern Therapy Clinic

Come to our Modern Therapy Clinic where we help you understand yourself better. In one-on-one sessions, we’ll talk about your feelings and challenges, giving you support and guidance to become stronger and happier. If you’re in a relationship, our couples counselling can help you communicate better and solve problems together. We create a safe space where you can connect deeply and build a stronger bond.

Not sure whether individual counselling or couples counselling is right for you? Don’t worry! Our friendly team is here to guide you. We’ll listen to your concerns and help you choose the therapy that fits your needs best. Whether you’re dealing with personal challenges, relationship issues, communication barriers, or simply seeking guidance on improving your mental well-being, let us support you on your journey to a brighter future!

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