Created by Stan Lee and Bill Everett, Matt Murdock first appeared in Daredevil #1 in 1964, 25 years after the comic book debut of Batman in Detective Comics #27. Fans and comic book readers have made the comparison between Batman and Daredevil before, and it's not entirely unwarranted.

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While there are many differences between the characters, there are also several notable similarities. Both heroes experienced tragic losses as children, using those losses to fuel their heroic quests for justice. Both are two of the top martial artists in their comic universes, and both lead double lives. Daredevil is not a carbon copy of Batman, but the two have certainly influenced each other over the years.

10 Daredevil & Batman Are Incredible Fighters

Batman and Daredevil fight criminals and monsters

It's become a bit of a meme that Batman can defeat any fictional character with enough prep time, but there's a reason this meme was created. Batman is one of the best fighters in DC Comics, and he's trained others like Nightwing and Damian Wayne to become great as well.

On Marvel's side, Daredevil is also considered one of the best fighters in his universe. His style is a little grittier, having grown up watching his dad box, but he also learned martial arts from Stick. Neither hero possesses super strength or speed, so they honed their bodies to perfection to survive.

9 Both Experienced Tragedies As Children

Bruce witnesses his parents' murders while Daredevil's dad boxes

Just about every comic book reader knows Batman's origin story. Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered outside an old theater by a previously unknown gunman. Matt Murdock didn't know his mother, and his father was killed when Matt was just a child. Both heroes suffered significant losses at young ages, but they used those losses to fuel their missions.

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Bruce traveled the world, receiving the best training, honing his body and mind. After the accident gave Matt enhanced senses, he too trained his body and learned how to use his new powers. Eventually, both men donned cowls to eradicate organized crime in their cities.

8 Daredevil's Billy Club Was Just Like Batman's Utility Belt

Batman uses his utility belt as Daredevil uses his billy club

Batman has a gadget for every situation. The amount of gadgets he carries with him would never fit inside his utility belt, yet he's prepared for just about every situation. In some of the earliest Daredevil comics, Daredevil's billy club was much like Batman's utility belt.

In its base form, it's used as a combat staff that can be split into nunchaku. It also frequently becomes a grappling hook that Daredevil uses to traverse the city quickly. On rare occasions, the billy club featured hidden microphones and recording devices, and it can even be disguised as a walking cane. The billy club may not be as versatile as the utility belt, but it's definitely a multipurpose tool.

7 Both Continue To Experience Tragedies

Batman holds Jason Todd and Daredevil holds Karen Page

The death of their parents may have laid the foundation for their superhero careers, but the tragic events didn't stop there for Batman and Daredevil. Both characters have experienced a tremendous amount of loss in their lives. Batman has lived through the deaths of many allies, including Jason Todd's, at the hands of the Joker.

Daredevil has watched numerous loves die, including Karen Page and Elektra. Daredevil and Batman rarely experience periods of total happiness. And if they do, writers and artists are quick to rip them away with a follow-up story involving death or betrayal in some form or another.

6 Both Usually Work Alone, But Also Synergize With Their Teams

Batman joins the Justice League while Daredevil joins the Defenders

Batman and Daredevil usually work alone. At least, they say they like to work alone, but both characters frequently team up with other heroes in their own series and ensemble books. Like most of the Marvel Comics heroes, Daredevil lives in New York and frequently teams up with fellow Defenders like Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and even Spider-Man.

Batman has established an entire Bat-Family of allies that he works with in the various Bat-books. On top of that, Batman is a founding member of the Justice League, appearing in hundreds of Justice League comic books since 1960.

5 Both Use Fear Against Criminals

Batman and Daredevil stalk their cities

During the events of the "Sinestro Corps War," Batman was selected by a Yellow Lantern power ring because he "has the ability to instill great fear." Batman ultimately rejected the ring, but its selection of him was very telling. Batman uses fear to gain an advantage over his opponents.

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Daredevil is known as "The Man Without Fear." He's a skilled acrobat who treats the city like his playground, using his enhanced senses to traverse rooftops easily. Batman and Daredevil use their striking appearances to frighten and disarm criminals. They are heroes who like to stick to the shadows and stealthily attack their prey. If Daredevil existed in the DC Comics universe, he'd probably be selected by a yellow ring as well.

4 They Both Have Complicated Romantic Relationships

Catwoman and Elektra from DC and Marvel comics

When Batman first met Catwoman in Batman #1, she was a costumed villain and would stay a villain for many years. As DC entered its Silver and Bronze Ages, Selina Kyle's character deepened, and she slowly became an anti-hero before becoming one of Batman's closest allies.

Similarly, when Daredevil first met Elektra in Daredevil #168, he attempted to stop her from assassinating her target. Elektra had worked for Kingpin and the Hand, but slowly became an anti-hero after developing a romantic relationship with Matt. Catwoman and Elektra are two characters who have strengthened Daredevil and Batman comics, deepening Bruce and Matt's already rich characters.

3 Batman & Daredevil Present Some Dark Comic Stories

Batman Yer One and Daredevil Man Without Fear

Frank Miller sure loves to redefine classic comic book origin stories. Miller worked on Batman issues #404-407, crafting the legendary "Year One" arc with artist David Mazzucchelli, which explored Batman's first year of crime-fighting in Gotham. Miller similarly examined Daredevil's early superhero career in The Man Without Fear, illustrated by John Romita Jr.

These stories were gritty, dark retellings of both heroes' origins that set the tone for future comic book stories involving the characters. Some of the darkest stories in comics can be found in Daredevil and Batman books, and Miller was the pioneer creator that really solidified both heroes as dark, tragic characters.

2 Daredevil & Batman Have Complex Relationships With The Police

The Gotham Central police and Ben Urich help the heroes

Depending on the story, Batman and Daredevil are seen as superheroes, vigilantes, or even criminals in the public eye. They take the law into their own hands, upsetting the status quo. Batman has evaded the police for most of his career, most notably in Frank Miller's "Year One," while Daredevil was recently arrested before the events of Devil's Reign.

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Though both heroes have made enemies with the police in their cities, they've also made plenty of allies. Commissioner Jim Gordon always has Batman's back, acting as Batman's eyes and ears for Gotham PD. Daredevil's closest civilian ally was Ben Urich. Ben was a reporter for the Daily Bugle and often supplied Daredevil with tips on the Kingpin and other criminal organizations.

1 Both Created Legacies For Other Heroes To Continue

Dick Grayson as Batman and Elektra as Daredevil

Batman is as respected in the DC universe as he is loved in the real world. Many heroes look up to him and aspire to be just like him. Batman has created a legacy, and in times of crisis, specifically following Final Crisis, heroes like Dick Grayson have taken up the Batman mantle.

Daredevil has also created a lasting legacy. After the events of Devil's Reign, Elektra became the new Daredevil during her three-issue Woman Without Fear miniseries. If Bruce Wayne or Matt Murdock were to disappear tomorrow, their Batman and Daredevil legacies would surely live on.

NEXT: 10 Times Batman & Daredevil Were Perfect Counterparts