Leaving an Indelible Mark: The Impact of a Man in the World of Faith-Based Film - L.A. STYLE Magazine

Leaving an Indelible Mark: The Impact of a Man in the World of Faith-Based Film

David A.R. White, a veteran actor, producer, and filmmaker, has spent over two decades crafting his career in the film industry. Known for his storytelling prowess, he has captivated audiences through his work in front of and behind the camera. Reflecting on his journey, he shares, “Enjoy the people and the time, don’t be in such a hurry.” He believes the connections made along the way can lead to unforeseen collaborations and opportunities.

As a founding partner of Pure Flix in 2005, David A.R. has played a pivotal role in the company’s success. Remarkably the film franchise “God’s Not Dead,” in which he also starred, became one of the TOP 10 most successful films of all time, based on its ROI, making his studio, Pure Flix, the most successful faith and family production and distribution company in the industry. This achievement undoubtedly propelled both his career and Pure Flix’s reputation.

David A.R.’s roots trace back to a small Mennonite farming town near Dodge City, Kansas. His ambition led him to Los Angeles at the age of 19; recalling his early days, he reminisces, “I would have told this to my younger self as soon as I got to town: ‘Enjoy the process, don’t be in such a hurry and be excellent at whatever it was that I was trying to do.'”

He has appeared in over 25 feature-length films throughout his career, showcasing his versatility as an actor. From the God’s Not Dead franchise to “Finding Love in Quarantine” and “Beckman,” David A.R. has embraced a wide range of roles. He shares his excitement about his latest release, “God’s Not Dead: We the People,” saying, “Excited to drop on Pure Flix, Revelation Road: The Series.” His dedication to his craft is evident as he persevered for years to bring this project to fruition. He emphasizes, “Patience is most surely a virtue in our town!” In addition to his film endeavors, he has made significant contributions to television. Starring in sitcoms like “Hitting the Breaks” and “Malibu Dan the Family Man,” he has shared the screen with notable guests, including Rob Schneider, Tim Tebow, Morgan Fairchild, Kelly Stables, Robin Givens, and David Rasche. 

His commitment to uplifting others extends beyond his on-screen work. He shares his message of encouragement, inspiration, and humor at conferences and charities nationwide. Recognizing the impact of influence, he states, “A person of influence to me is a leader. Someone who helps others in some way and lifts them up, hopefully in all ways, including whatever it is that you are pursuing.”

Alongside his professional endeavors, he maintains a strong online presence. Through his social media platforms, which boast a combined following of over 15 million, he shares entertaining and engaging content with his dedicated fanbase.

As he continues to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the entertainment industry, he remains rooted in his passion for storytelling. He advises aspiring artists to embrace the journey, saying, “It’s a long haul, not a short sprint.” His perseverance and commitment to his craft have led to remarkable achievements, proving that success comes to those who stay true to their dreams.

Residing in Los Angeles with his three children, David A.R. White is a testament to the impact of pursuing one’s passions. With his latest film and ongoing projects, he continues to inspire audiences and leave an indelible mark on the world of faith-based filmmaking.

This article feature is from our annual special edition issue, the L.A. STYLE Magazine Most Influential of 2023.


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