Ron Geesin - Right Through
  • 1977
Right Through album cover

Ron Geesin Records RON323 (12", 33.3rpm, stereo LP) (p)1977

Recorded at Ron Geesin studio, Heathfield, E. Sussex. Most of 1976.

Reissued as part of RIGHT THROUGH - AND BEYOND (Headscope HEDCD 003) (p)2003

Ron Geesin (electronic and acoustic combinations, sound fx and tape manipulation) composed, performed and recorded.

Side 1 (mx. no. RON+323+A)

1. Door-o-plane Gets Its Blades
2. Blades Spin Notions
3. Motion Above Rhythidoor
4. Four Guitars Did Laugh, Then Thought Again
5. Throb Thencewards Thrill

Side 2 (mx. no. RON+323+B)

1. Hiding Haul Of Voices, Hail!
2. Shut Out Hailing Calls Through You
3. Gong Of Going Goes Right Through
4. Rhythiano Plonks The Plug Out, And We Follow

'Throb Thencewards Thrill' is also on HYSTERY (CD), #13.


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