Fairy Tail's Lucy Heartfilia is a Celestial Wizard that possesses an array of keys that summon spirits from the Celestial Spirit World. For those spirits that she forms an official contract with, Lucy is able to call upon them and borrow their magic and strength.

Celestial keys come in three colors: gold, silver, and black. Silver keys are common, while gold are rare, and there is only one known black key that summons Ophiuchus, a giant serpent. Lucy possesses 10 of the 12 golden keys, each of them based upon a part of the zodiac. Each one of them are mighty, each zodiac comes with their own special personality quirks that fans have fallen in love with.

Updated by Sage Ashford on April 26th, 2024: Much like everyone in Fairy Tail, Lucy's true strength is in her ability to believe in her friends. She's developed close connections with ten of the members of the Zodiac, even gaining the ability to summon several of them at the same time. For her, it's less about power and more about treating them as equals, which made her into a fearsome warrior as she learned to master their powers. This list has been updated to add even more information about all of Lucy's Golden Celestial Keys.

10 Gate Of The Goat: Capricorn Originally Belonged To Lucy's Mom

Special Skills: Enhanced Strength

Fairy Tail's Zoldeo in Capricorn's body

First Appearance (Manga):

Chapter 209, "The Black Wizard"

First Appearance (Anime):

Episode 101, "The Black Wizard"

Japanese VA:

Takaya Kuroda

English VA:

Michael Johnson

10 Biggest Missed Opportunities In Fairy Tail

Love it or hate it, Fairy Tail missed a few good opportunities for characters to reach their full potential and moments fans wanted to see.

Capricorn is a humanoid spirit with the appearance of a goat. He was Lucy's mother's spirit back in the day and went through great hardships before returning to Lucy's side. Capricorn greatly respects Lucy's view on love and its bearing on magic. His intellect and teaching skills prove invaluable, as he helps Lucy level up her magic abilities.

Capricorn joins a long list of characters who had greater abilities while he was on the side of evil. For a time, he was under the possession of Grimoire Heart's Zoldeo, which granted him additional magic powers. Once he got away from Zoldeo, he lost those powers and only had the power of super-strength instead.

9 Gate Of The Scorpion: Scorpio Is A Long-Range Specialist

Special Skills: Sand Magic

First Appearance (Manga):

Chapter 143, "Celestial Spirit Brawl"

First Appearance (Anime):

Episode 58, "Spirit vs. Spirit"

Japanese VA:

Daisuke Kishio

English VA:

Andrew T. Chandler, Kyle Phillips

Aquarius' boyfriend, Scorpio is a kind and trustworthy spirit that has a "rock out" personality. Like all the spirits, he possesses a strange quirk, which is his habit of beginning sentences with a "we are," almost as if it were a catchphrase. When his keyholder Angel summons him, he's all too happy to face Aquarius, but instead of fighting, they agree to go out on a date, forcing both Lucy and Angel into fighting with other Spirits.

Obviously, Scorpio didn't have particularly high loyalty to Angel, and once she lost, he immediately formed a contract with Lucy. Reunited with Aquarius, he was all too happy to work for Lucy. Despite his playful attitude, Scorpio is a powerful ally to Lucy. His power relies on Sand Magic, where he uses his scorpion tail to blast sand at his enemies. His Sand Buster attack has also been combined with Wendy's Sky Dragon's Roar to make Natsu faster though, so there are multiple uses to his power.

8 Gate Of The Twins: Gemini Were Convinced To Join Lucy's Side After Witnessing Her Compassion

Special Skills: Copy Magic

Both of the Gemini twins from Fairy Tail together in a forest

First Appearance (Manga):

Chapter 133, "12 vs. 6"

First Appearance (Anime):

Episode 53, "Oracion Seis Appears!"

Japanese VA:

Yukiyo Fujii (Gemi), Kanami Satō (Mini)

English VA:

Heather Walker (Gemi), Michelle Rojas (Mini)

Like their namesake, the twins are known respectively as Gemi and Mini. "Piri-piri" is the catchphrase for these two, which gives them a air of innocence. However, in battle they weren't afraid to be absolutely ruthless while they were under Angel's control, nearly winning in their battle with Lucy. The fight was finished though after the two witnessed Lucy's compassion for their fellow spirits, swaying the twins to betray their master and switch to Lucy's hold.

Gemini takes on the personality of their master, which changes for the better when they join Lucy. Their copy magic is quite handy as it allows them to mimic others, along with that person's magic. Although useful, their techniques possess various contingencies that must be met for their magic to work.

7 Gate Of The Golden Bull: Taurus Is Willing To Do Anything For Lucy

Special Skills: Enhanced Strength, Axe (Weapon)

First Appearance (Manga):

Chapter 3, "Fire Dragons and Monkeys and Cows"

First Appearance (Anime):

Episode 2, "The Fire Dragon, The Monkey, and the Ox"

Japanese VA:

Eiji Sekiguchi

English VA:

Jeremy Inman

10 Oldest Characters in Fairy Tail, Ranked

Fairy Tail's oldest characters, like Makarov and Zeref, are also some of its strongest; their years add to their power and experience in battle.

Taurus is one of Lucy's earliest Celestial Spirits. Much like most techniques and characters introduced at the start of a shonen series, Taurus' powers are fairly simple: he's got super strength and he wields a giant axe to battle his opponents. Taurus is a fearsome warrior, but he honestly spends more time ogling Lucy's figure than he does trying to fight, unfortunately adhering to one of the most questionable shonen tropes by reducing Lucy to fanservice.

That doesn't mean Taurus won't listen to Lucy, though. He's not afraid to rely on his axe, Labyrs, to slice through anyone who might try to harm her. While Taurus' abilities are simple, he adds some variety to his powers by working with other Celestial Spirits like Scorpio or Aries for new combination attacks.

6 Gate Of The Giant Crab: Cancer Is A Better Stylist Than Fighter

Special Skills: Enhanced Strength, Special Clippers

Fairy Tail's Celestial Spirit Cancer the Crab

First Appearance (Manga):

Chapter 8, "Lucy vs. Duke Everlue"

First Appearance (Anime):

Episode 4, "DEAR KABY"

Japanese VA:

Yoshimitsu Shimoyama

English VA:

Will Short

Cancer is another character who appeared during the earlier episodes of Fairy Tail, where Lucy's Celestial Spirits were more comedic in nature. While Lucy finds herself summoning him often, Cancer is more of a hairdresser than a fighter. He's all about style and gaining and a cool aesthetic, even though he's got a funny habit of ending his sentences with "-ebi", which translates to "shrimp".

For Cancer, all of his power is about speed. Cancer wields two scissors, and the way he opens and closes them resembles crab claws. With his speed and scissors, Cancer is able to easily cut down his opponents, often giving them a haircut while he's taking them out. Ridiculous as that sounds, it did come in handy when Lucy faced Flare Corona, a fighter who relied on the power of her Crimson Hair.

5 Gate Of The Archer: Sagittarius Shows The Importance Of Having Great Manners

Special Skills: Archery

Sagittarius from Fairy Tail firing arrows at someone to protect Lucy

First Appearance (Manga):

Chapter 62, "When the Fairy Fell"

First Appearance (Anime):

Episode 27, "The Two Dragon Slayers"

Japanese VA:

Masaki Kawanabe

English VA:

Wilbur Penn

Dressed in a horse costume, Sagittarius definitely looks weird, but he's still willing to fight hard for Lucy. He's a spirit that highly respects the holder of his key and will carry out his duty to the best of his ability. Even if Lucy considers him a friend, he continues to speak with the utmost politeness. Formality is the name of his game.

Sagittarius takes his orders literally, which sometimes leads to misunderstandings. Like his namesake, this master archer uses the tools of his trade as his magic. He's skilled and agile when it comes to attacks, and speed is no problem for him. That said, he has a typically awful record against enemies, often being one of the first Celestial Spirits to lose.

4 Gate Of The Ram: Aries Is One Of Lucy's Most Versatile Celestial Spirits

Special Skills: Wool Magic

First Appearance (Manga):

Chapter 73, "Year 781 • Blue Pegasus"

First Appearance (Anime):

Episode 32, "Celestial Spirit King"

Japanese VA:

Sayaka Narita

English VA:

Didi Archilla

Aries is shy and is more often than not apologizing for her very existence. Although appreciative and loyal to Lucy, she's often afraid. Her skittish tendencies may have formed from the time her previous owner used her as a shield in dangerous situations. This behavior led to her previous owner being defeated by the Oracion Seis' Angel, who later lost the key to Lucy. Fortunately, with Lucy she's learned to value herself, and reconnect with many of her fellow Zodiac Summons.

Her magic is powered by wool, which is more destructive and helpful than one might imagine. Her Wool Magic can be used offensively with weapons like Wool Bomb or Wool Shot, which causes harm despite feeling somewhat relaxing. However, she also has things like Wool Wall to form protective barriers to keep herself and Lucy safe as well. She's also easily one of Lucy's most easygoing spirits, and beloved by the heroic side of Fairy Tail's massive cast of characters.

3 Gate Of The Maiden: Virgo Is Eager To Follow Her Master's Commands

Special Skills: Earth Magic, Chain Magic

First Appearance (Manga):

Chapter 6, "Invade!! The Everlue Mansion"

First Appearance (Anime):

Episode 3, "Infiltrate! The Everlue Mansion!"

Japanese VA:

Miyuki Sawashiro

English VA:

Terri Doty

Virgo changes her appearance based on her current master's preference. Under her previous owner she looked more like a monstrous gorilla, while under Lucy she more closely resembles a stereotypical anime waifu. That said, there's more to Virgo than what people normally see, as she's also a masochist. One of the running gags of the series is her asking for punishment from Lucy, who vehemently denies it.

As a maiden, she's loyal and obedient to her master, often referring to Lucy as "hime," or princess. As ridiculous as Virgo is though, she's one of Lucy's best Celestial Spirits when it comes to helping her win fights. Her Earth Magic and Chain Magic abilities make her a well-rounded fighter, capable of both attacking and defending her master. She also wields powerful transformation magic and can transform into any appearance she wants, but she has her superhuman strength regardless of the form she takes.

2 Gate Of The Water Bearer: Aquarius Has Been With Lucy The Longest

Special Skills: Water Magic