Photographer Jennifer Bermon took 20 years to finish this project.

12 women on how they feel about themselves. Completely uplifting.

Women need to be heard.

Photographer Jennifer Bermon has spent the past 20 years working on an art project aimed to make all kinds of women feel better about themselves.

Bermon has created a series, called “Her | Self”, of 28 black-and-white portraits of women from various backgrounds, life stages and creeds.

“I take black and white photos of women and then ask them to write, in their own words, how they feel about the way they look in the photo,” Jennifer told Mamamia.

Want more? Try: What a “beautiful woman” looks like in 37 different countries.

She added: “The woman’s photo and her words become one piece that stands on its own, with no editing and filtering.”

Some of the amazing women in this project include a NYC firefighter, a NASA scientist, a 74-year-old Rabbi and an Academy Award-winning screenplay writer.

The series is beautiful and instead of telling you how these women feel about themselves and their bodies, we will let you discover for yourself…

 “This photo shows that I’m a happy person. I have been incredibly lucky to be able to work at something I’m passionate about, combining nature and space missions, studying volcanoes on far-off moons, how the geology of distant worlds was shaped, seeing alien landscapes for the first time… is there anything more exciting?

Perhaps being at the edge of a lava lake here on Earth, feeling the almost unbearable heat… Getting where I am in my career was not easy, but it was so much fun. I feel very lucky and content. I think success is not define by where on the ‘success ladder’ you are, but by how far you have come. I grew up in Brazil, where little girls at that time were not supposed to grow up to become volcano explorers or NASA scientists. I persevered and never let go of my dream. I may not fit people’s stereotype of a female scientist.

I love architecture, art, and fashion. I can say I feel as comfortable in hiking boots as I feel wearing a ballgown. We should be faithful to ourselves and respect our own individuality and that of others.”

Click through to see more images and transcripts from “Her | Self“:



Jennifer Bermon is a photographer, as well as a network television producer, specializing in documentaries, national news and newsmagazines.

“Her | Self” is currently on display at the Bergamot Station Art Centre in Santa Monica, CA.