Pro golfer Byrson DeChambeau transformed his body—and his game—back in 2019 and 2020, training hard in quarantine and consuming up to 3,500 calories each day in order to pack on 20 extra pounds of muscle and hit the longest drives of his career.

But as the eight-time PGA Tour winner recently revealed in a conversation with Emma Carpenter on the Five Clubs podcast, the extreme changes led to a negative impact on his health, prompting him to lean down again.

"I ate things that were not great for my system that I was very sensitive to," he said, "and ultimately it got to the point where it was a little too much. And that’s why I started to back off of that... I ate improperly for almost a year and a half and I was starting to feel weird. My gut was all messed up, and so I went completely healthy, went on a Whole 30 diet, got a nutritionist, did blood work, measured stuff in my gut biome. I was super-inflamed. And then just recently since I’ve been using this new chef, I lost 20 pounds in a month."

Losing such a significant amount of weight in such a short amount of time wasn't plain sailing: DeChambeau described the "huge mood swings" that he experienced during this period, but also notes that his health issues and overall wellbeing have improved as a result.

"The inflammation has just left my system, and I feel a lot more at ease," he said. "I mean, I’m a lot leaner now, I feel better, my face has thinned out finally... I look like I’m 20 again, not 35." He also added that he does not recommend rapid bulking as a way of gaining an edge in your golf game. "Get stronger in a healthy way," he said. "Go get a blood sensitivity test and figure out what works best for your body to gain size and strength."

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