Watch The President's Book of Secrets | HISTORY Channel

Explore information about secrets known only to the president.


Moments after the President of the United States is sworn into office he gains access to “The Nuclear Football,” a briefcase that contains the most volatile top-secret information in the world–America’s nuclear launch codes. The Football is a high profile national secret, but it’s only one of many pieces in the classified arsenal at the President’s disposal once he assumes the role of Commander in Chief. Journey inside White House history to unveil staggering information about secrets known only to the President, from top-secret intelligence and classified events to covert codes and future technologies. Features exclusive interviews with Washington insiders, including former CIA Director Michael Hayden, former Director of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, former Vice President Dan Quayle, former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino and Presidential daughter Susan Ford who reveal what it is like to live and work in the White House.

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