Salamanca summary | Britannica
Salamanca Article

Salamanca summary

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Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Salamanca.

Salamanca, ancient Salmantica or Helmantica, City (pop., 2001: 156,368), western Spain. An important Iberian settlement, it was sacked by Hannibal in 217 bc. It later became a Roman station. Captured by Moors in the 8th century, it was reconquered by Christians from 1087 to 1102. It was occupied by the French in the Peninsular War (1808–14). It is a cultural centre as well as the commercial centre of an agricultural district. Its many landmarks include the 12th-century Romanesque cathedral, the Gothic-style cathedral (begun 1513), and the University of Salamanca (founded 1218).