New environment minister Ranil Jayawardena has voted against climate measures | The Independent

New environment minister Ranil Jayawardena ‘consistently’ voted against climate measures

While in favour of banning plastic straws, Liz Truss’s new secretary of state for environment has regularly voted against strengthening environmental protections

Harry Cockburn
Environment Correspondent
Wednesday 07 September 2022 20:44 BST
New Environment Secretary Ranil Jayawardena arrives in Downing Street for the first meeting of Liz Truss’s cabinet
New Environment Secretary Ranil Jayawardena arrives in Downing Street for the first meeting of Liz Truss’s cabinet (PA Wire)

New environment secretary Ranil Jayawardena has “consistently” voted against policies to tackle the climate crisis.

His appointment by Liz Truss has already caused alarm due to Mr Jayawardena’s voting record, which shows he has "consistently voted against measures to prevent climate change", and also against government support for renewable energy projects, according to the website, They Work For You.

Despite this stance, he has previously said he recognises the importance of the UK taking climate action, and has campaigned for improved recycling as well as supporting government moves to ban plastic straws in 2020.

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