Lucas Erceg - Scouting Report — Prospects Live

Lucas Erceg - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 MIL 3B 30 35

Grades Update: Jan 2021
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 30 55 45 60 40

Jan 2021 Report

Evaluator: Rhys White

Age: 26 yr
Height: 6-3
Weight: 210 lbs
Hits/Throws: L/R
Acquired: 2016 Round2
RuleV: Eligible

Physical Description: Tall and well filled out at 6'3" and 210 pounds. He has a prototypical frame for a corner infielder, strong and broad-shouldered.

Hit: Erceg stands straight up with his hands at his head, with the majority of the bat above his head. When the pitcher starts his motion he squats down, and raises his front foot and brings his hands towards the ball. He has an upper-cut swing path and because it is so drastic I have noticed that pitchers will throw pitches up in the zone to exploit his swing. He has an average understanding of the strike-zone. I do worry that along with the bat-path he will swing and miss more at the highest level because of his lack of bat-speed, and opposing pitchers can attack up in the zone with premium velocity. Grade: 30

Power: Erceg pairs his upper-cut swing with a quick bat and above average raw strength. He hits most of his homers to his pull-side where he easily gets to his above average power. He has the pull-side power to hit it out of any ball-park, he has not to this point translated that power to opposite-field power yet. Grade: 55

Field: Lucas Erceg has split his time between third and first base but I believe he profiles best as a first-baseman. He lacks the lateral agility one would want for a defender at the hot corner, and routinely would get eaten up by hard ground balls hit to him as a third-baseman. At first his lack of lateral agility isn't as prevalent and he showed a good ability to scoop the ball out of the dirt and set an easy target for his fellow infielders. As a third-baseman he's a below average defender where at first, where I would ultimately play him, he can be an average defender. Grade: 45

Arm: What has kept Erceg at third is his plus arm, It has good carry and he is very accurate with his arm. He has the arm-strength to play in a corner outfield spot if needed. Grade: 60

Run: Lucas Erceg will never be a stolen-base threat. He has a clunky stride, and he doesn't have a great first-step which limits him as a base-runner. Grade: 40

Overall: A once popular prospect has seen his stock tumble because of his inconsistent ability to hit. Erceg is going to have to hit for power to carve out any sort of role as a big leaguer. More advanced pitchers have carved him up in the upper minors by attacking him with premium fastballs up in the zone. The arm is the only other tool that is above average. I have questions about his future, and even with the weird 2020 season the Brewers did invite Erceg at the alternate-site and they are an organization that is rather thin with upper level hitters so it was a clear sign what the organization thinks of Erceg.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Moderate