Listen Score
LS 81
Global Rank
TOP 0.01%


Update frequency:
every 11 hours
Average audio length:
40 minutes
Guest interviews
Has sponsors
United States
2522 episodes
since March 12, 2021
explicit content


~97.06% of listeners are from United States.
* Data source: directly measured on Listen Notes. real-time


Charlie and Blake field questions from Charlie Kirk Exclusive members, including:   -What should Trump avoid in next month's big debate with Biden? -Why is falling fertility a big deal? -Why is it worth voting even if you live in a blue city of a blue state? Become a member at members.charliek…


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How could the Russia-Ukraine war have been prevented? How could America have ended the Afghan War successfully, at a fraction of the cost? Should you spike your smartphone into the trash? Blackwater founder Erik Prince knows more about the shadowy world of defense spending, military strategy, and e…
It's easy and tempting to think there is "no way" Joe Biden can win another term. As Charlie explains in his speech to the Salem Radio Network in California, the reality is more grim: Democrats have every institutional advantage and every dirty trick ready to go to cling to power. Charlie explains …
In this week’s ThoughtCrime Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, Andrew Kolvet, and Blake Neff answer many important questions, including:   -Is Trump's obsession with campaigning in New York and New Jersey wise, or a waste? -Is Red Lobster's bankruptcy a tragedy, or just really funny? -Is the future o…
Republicans currently control the U.S. House by one of the smallest margins ever, and we've all seen how that works out. Wouldn't it be great if Republicans had another  couples seats — or, say, twelve of them? Charlie talks to Judge Mark Henry about a case out of Galveston, Texas that could lead t…
Trump is actively on trial, yet right now the biggest story in America isn’t that, but instead his massive and immensely successful rally in the Bronx. All different ages, races, religions, and political parties came together to cheer on Trump, and the left is melting down, What does this tell us a…
Winston Marshall became famous as a Grammy winner with Mumford and Sons, but today he has expanded into podcasting and public debates. Marshall joins Charlie to discuss his viral debate against Nancy Pelosi at Oxford University, and how populism has become an international, pan-ideological alliance…
For nearly 20 years, Mitch McConnell has been the top Republican in the U.S. Senate. Over that span, there have been many failures and depressingly few victories. So, why not have a conservative lead the GOP for a change? Sen. Rick Scott joins Charlie to announce his bid to be Mitch's successor. Pl…
Joe Biden threw America's border open. Donald Trump has pledged to fix it. Charlie discusses Biden's plan to conceal the border invasion just long enough to win reelection and make the Great Replacement irreversible. He also discusses Nikki Haley endorsing Trump, as well as the reaction she’s getti…
Historian Patrick K. O'Donnell has written a new book about one of the least-known stories of the Civil War. The story includes Abraham Lincoln, the Secret Service, America's first special forces operation, and a long-forgotten bid by Democrats to rig the 1864 election. It's a dive into long-forgot…
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