Am I crazy or is Push (2009) with Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning kinda good? : r/movies Skip to main content

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Am I crazy or is Push (2009) with Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning kinda good?

Caught Push again today on the syfy channel. It's an easy to follow mythology that doesn't fall into a trap of constant exposition of its universes "rules." It has some gorgeous looking Hong Kong scenary. The action is well choreographed, particularly the telokenisis effect. It's also well acted with likeable performances from Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning. Anyone else feel the same way or am I crazy?

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u/c4ristopher avatar

I enjoyed Push... but then again I also enjoyed Jumper... I would like a movie that merges the two


Jumper fits into Push's naming scheme for powers.

u/SuperWoody64 avatar

But push didn't just have pushers. Other people had different powers.

And if we're combining movies can we throw chronicle in there?

u/chocolatecheeese1 avatar

Anything to get me a Chronicle sequel.

u/rusty2fan86 avatar

Have you seen the trailer for Power Rangers? Looks very Chronicle-ish.

u/prabe avatar

Come to think of it, the new Power Rangers kind of feels like a Chronicle sequel... or a knockoff.

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But push didn't just have pushers. Other people had different powers.

Wait. What? Yes it did. Camilla Belle and Djimon Hounsou were both pushers.

u/SuperWoody64 avatar

But other people had other powers too. You even quoted me and then disregarded it.

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u/JamesBlitz00 avatar

I came here specifically to mention jumper. Similar concept. Different bald black man. I liked Jumper. It got a lot of hate.


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u/JamesBlitz00 avatar

Haha well when i think sam jackson I think Bald sam jackson

u/KateWalls avatar

That must be why I felt so uncomfortable watching him in Jackie Brown...

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Jumper was actually a lot more fun than the recent string of god awful Hunger games clones (hunger games included)

u/SuperWoody64 avatar

Maaan that last hunger games was fuck boring.

The last half of the 3rd book sucked too so it isn't surprising. It's like a book report that you realized you met the word count for and go "that's it folks."

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I thought Jumper was pretty fun! It had it's cringe moments, but overall I enjoyed it.

u/Brain_Prosthesis avatar

I'll have to revisit Jumper. Doug Liman really redeemed himself for me with Edge of Tomorrow. I owe him a rewatch.

I remember loving this movie in middle school. I watched it so many times, there was something just oddly comfortable about it.

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u/ZorroMeansFox avatar

No, you're not crazy. It is kinda good. That is, there are many good scenes amid a movie that's overall quite crappy.


Right that's how I assess it. I really REALLY like the concept. I love how you sort of have the powers condensed in the categories that they do. I also like the supporting cast of Cliff Curtis, Ming Na, and Djimon Hounsou . What gets away from me a bit is the overall plot. It just seemed kind of empty, I wanted a lot more from it. That being said if I come across it I'll still watch it the whole way through.

This. Push is the kind of movie I want remakes for - great concept and potential, poor execution.

u/Ryan949 avatar

If they make a remake of it they have to merge it's universe with Jumper's and Next's

u/Ser_Corwen avatar

A Jumper and Push crossover would be so cool.

I always liked Jumper. It's a rare look at how most people would actually behave if they got superpowers. We wouldn't hurt anyone but we wouldn't go the "With great power comes great responsibility" route either. We'd use our powers to improve and enrich our lives as much as we could.

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u/shatonamime avatar

Ive been saying this for years. Using psychics to track and mask teleporters. Confusing them using tricks, controlling them to port you, forcefields they cant escape.

With a guest appearance by Powder.

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I don't know why we haven't got a jumper 2 yet. God knows no one except Samuel L Jackson has a busy schedule

u/Sighlina avatar

Hey now, Hayden would have to request the necessary time off firstly. Who's going to cover his shifts at Chipotle?

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u/AlchemicalDuckk avatar

They just announced a sequel series for YouTube Red. It's based on the novel Impulse, which is about David and Millie's daughter.

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The tomorrow people is head cannon sequel to push and jumper

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Oh next, the best example of taking a tiny part of a story as influence and discarding the rest. For what it's worth, I thought it was better than The Golden Man >.>

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u/the_beer-baron avatar

I put it in the same the group as Daybreakers. Cool worldbuilding.

u/CallMeGerbraldo avatar

Daybreakers is so underrated. Ethan Hawke + Willem Dafoe? Awesome.

u/the_beer-baron avatar

Villain Sam Neill! The best type of Sam Neill. The CGI stuff is kind of bad.

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Can Dakota Fanning still be in it though?


What happened to her? Seems her sister took her place and she dropped off.

u/choldslingshot avatar

She's in a new movie this year American Pastoral. Ewan McGregor's directorial debut. It got a lot of buzz before it started the festival circuit because it was supposed to be very good, but it didn't meet expectations at all so people stopped talking about it.

The trailer looked good though.

u/ReppinDaBurgh avatar

She quit acting to focus on school for several years. She's still around but only does indie films. I'm certain she could be in big budget movies if she wanted to. She's probably my favorite child actor/actress of all time.

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I'd be down for that.

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u/fannyj avatar

I think the right direction could have made this a really good movie. There didn't seem to be any vision to it, just someone executing the mechanics of the story.

Push, Highlander, DB/DBZ Live Action. Get to it.

Snowpiercer is a much better Chris Evans movie that not many people have heard of or watched.

wasnt it circle jerked on here for a while and then faded? it was on my watch list on netflix, havent gotten to it yet.

There was a short preview of the art work in it last year. I picked up on it from that.

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u/sanjix1 avatar

great visuals, above average acting, half assed and cliched dialogue, predictable story. kinda good is probably the best way to describe it.

With the ending the way it is, I know that they intended a sequel l. I was always kinda sad it never happened.

u/Real-Arthur avatar

On second viewing, there was a lot more to in than I thought on my initial viewing

See also: Kiss of the Dragon.

lol.... i guess i see the connection.

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Is this push based on the book push by sapphire?

u/skybala avatar

it has massive pacing issues.

looking back, i hope that MCU TV (Agent May) and MCU movie (Cap) can meet in one screen again

See also: Kiss of the Dragon.


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I agree with what you said about the mythology, I think it has great world-building and a really interesting take on an almost superhero-genre story. I thought the actual movie itself was ok, I feel as if a story as original as this would have been better handled and expanded with a tv series or as comic books.

u/wawaboy2 avatar

Push is one of those movies that I unabashedly love, despite knowing that objectively it is a bad movie.

u/Brain_Prosthesis avatar

I think I'm in the same camp.

Dozens of us!

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u/EZ_does_it avatar

There was a moment where I kept googling "Push" + "Sequel"... eventually I gave up.

u/we_are_sex_bobomb avatar

Push is a great film, very under-appreciated in my opinion. Does a great job of establishing likeable characters and the "rules" for the universe, and then having a lot of fun with them all in the span of a single film, all in a pretty brisk runtime. Perfect B-Movie.


It had a great atmosphere and all of their powers were truly unique, not just rehashed, generic superpowers. The acting was a bit dodgy from a lot of the main characters, but overall, I really enjoyed the ride. I wish there was a book or graphic novel that ran with the idea and made up even more powers.


The only thing I really didn't like is how it just ends rather abruptly.

u/suss2it avatar

I think calling it great is going too far. It was decent and very by the numbers.

u/cabose7 avatar

movies with $38 million budgets are not B-movies

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Both Push and Jumper (released around the same time) have really bad reputations, but I've never known why. Jumper pretty much betrayed the original novel, but I never read it until years later so that didn't concern me. Also Hayden Christensen is pushing the limits of his abilities but he's not so bad.

u/LasherDeviance avatar

Because of Jumper, I made it a point to read the novel after I saw the movie, and it gave me a new rule: If I haven't read the original book of a movie that's coming out, see the movie first.

When Jumper came out in theaters, I didn't know that it was based on a novel. On my way to see it, I stopped at Walgreens to buy some candy to sneak into the theater. I just happened to see the paperback and I bought it because it was cheap and because I wanted to compare them. I went to see the movie, then started reading the book the next morning. I realized that just because they were different didn't mean that I couldn't like them both.

In this way, I've learned to like both the book and the movie adaptation for their separate merits or like one or the other without feeling bad about either.

u/witchlamb avatar

i always prefer to see the movie first too. it helps me go in without any preconceived expectations. usually i end up preferring the book anyway but often appreciating the changes they made for the film.

I always think that a negative criticism of a film whose basis is, "It's a poor adaptation" is a bad review. Being a poor adaptation does not make something a bad movie, it just means it might not appeal to fans of the source material as much (and even then I don't think this is necessarily true since there's a chance the movie makes changes that bookreaders like/agree with). What makes a good movie and what makes a good book are completely different. Plots that can take up hundreds of pages and hours upon hours of reading have to be condensed into a screenplay of somewhere between 1.5 to 2.5 hours (movies can of course be longer but it's not common and then you need exceptional filmmakers to keep the quality of the movie consistent throughout the running time). An adaptation isn't necessarily bad because they cut that long, convoluted subplot just as it isn't bad because it combines characters or does anything similar that it must to fit the run time. We should be able to evaluate books and their movie counterparts both separately and together. Something can be a great movie but a horrible adaptation that has nothing to do with its source material just as a horrible movie can be a great adaptation.


Why more people don't get this, I will never know

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u/brolix avatar

Both Push and Jumper (released around the same time) have really bad reputations, but I've never known why.

Can't speak for Jumper but I remember Push having terrible marketing. It was hard to tell if it was a Microsoft commercial or an actual movie.

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u/herpderpedian avatar

I always liked it and thought it should have done better. Chris Evans was great. The sequel-bait ending is the weakest part, otherwise a highly enjoyable and well-made movie.

u/scinfeced2wolf avatar

Well the director said it was supposed to a trilogy.

u/Rhaedas avatar

So sort of like a Matrix that never caught on enough to continue. Maybe it's best it didn't then. I say that still wishing that both it and Jumper had one more movie to continue their universe.

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u/MatttheBruinsfan avatar

I also thought the omni-presence and border crossing power of the government people hunting those with special powers down was overdone.

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u/austinmonster avatar

I just wanna see a pen-and-paper role playing game based on it.

u/Brain_Prosthesis avatar

With its clearly defined classes I can definetly see it as a rpg.

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I remember thinking it was surprisingly good when I watched it. But my expectations were really low, and I haven't had any desire to watch it since then.

Also, it's got Chris Evans. Even when he's in garbage like Not Another Teen Movie and Fantastic Four he's pretty great. He might just be good enough to carry us through.


How dare you talk about Not Another Teen Movie like that.

u/saibot83 avatar

Exactly, that movie is a goddamn comedy masterpiece.

Sorry. I think I enjoyed the soundtrack? Wasn't it, like, early 2000s alternative bands covering eighties songs? And seventeen year old me thought the scene where the girl gets caught masturbating was pretty hot.


That shit's whack!

I'm the designated black guy at this party so...

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u/choldslingshot avatar

OOH that's gonna stain

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I feel like as far as 2000s parody movies go, Not Another Teen Movie might be at the top.

u/aeonofeveau1 avatar

I agree, it was a fresh style. And it seemed like a lot of effort went into it. Now ever year or two we get a fresh pile of shit.

u/andrewthemexican avatar

Yeah I loved that movie when it came out. Really well done movie that captured the tropes/cliches of the previous 15 years or so of teen movies.


That movie could never be watched by anyone who didn't follow the teen movies of the time, but if you did it's a masterpiece.

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It's great. Shame that it sets up for a sequel that's never going to happen.


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The neon lighting and colors are amazing in Push. It is a massively underrated film.

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u/GarbledReverie avatar

It was a perfectly acceptable time-killing action sci-fi flick.

Mythology wise, I think they did beat you over the head a little with the neatly categorized super-powers. "Oh, he's a Shmicktler. They can turn pennies into potato chips for some reason."

u/Brain_Prosthesis avatar

Agreed the super power categorization lacked subtlety but I think that worked in its favor. "Bleeders scream, movers move stuff, sniffs smell things, let's get on with the story." They aren't constantly introducing new rules or powers whenever it suits the narrative.

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Yeah it was OK. I don't get how ScyFy has it as part of their Halloween prgramming though.

u/jayhawk_dvd avatar

The same way they played The Incredible Hulk after Silent Hill: Revelation yesterday. It is odd.

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u/Sojourner_Truth avatar

It...ain't great, but it's got some fun ideas and I thought it was worth a watch. One of the most annoying things to me is the screamer guys. One, they're dorky as shit, and two, their powers as shown are totally inconsistent - instantly blowing up the aquariums and bursting fishes and whatnot, but people seem to be able to withstand them just fine, just being incapacitated while it's happening. I mean, fingers in the ears shouldn't be all you need to do to beat that.

u/RustyDetective avatar

I feel like it has many good elements and actors, but the film overall is not too great. That being said, I've had an urge to rewatch it recently, and may just end up doing that.

u/LarcDurganVoldiir085 avatar

They really needed a sequel. Or a TV series. They could have done a crap load with the concept.

I remember thinking it was really good when I watched it. I'll admit, it wasn't the best execution but I liked the idea as well as Evans' and Fanning's acting.

I especially liked how they handled the concepts of the "powers" and that whole plan in the end was convoluted but didn't feel like an asspull.


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u/Mister_Positivity avatar

Yeah I really liked Push. Thanks for reminding me. It is weird how we can enjoy things very much then forget them.

Avatar broke records and we all pretty much forgot about it.

u/mag1xs avatar

People forgot about Avatar..? Think everyone remembers avatar