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Natasha Ross is the former Fire Chief for the Seattle Fire Department. She is married to Robert Sullivan.


Time in Iraq[]

Ross in the Marines. In 2005, she was doing a tour of duty in Iraq, where she met and worked alongside Robert Sullivan, a scout sniper. As they waited for their target to appear, they talked, getting to know each other to pass the time. While he dreamed of a simple life after his service, she said she wanted to stay in the military forever. As she said this, their target appeared. Ross ordered the shot, but Sullivan didn't take it because the target's children were present. His hesitation cost them the shot, which upset Ross. Later that night, they got another shot at it. In order to convince him to take the shot, Ross told Sullivan all the things she wanted to do after leaving the military, which she couldn't do until he took the shot. After some hesitation, he fired. After they were extracted, they shared a moment together in a tent and agreed to enjoy each other's company more. The two of them then started kissing.[4]

Meeting Stations 19 and 23[]

Upon her arrive in Seattle to take on the job of fire chief, Ross learned that her predecessor, Fire Chief McCallister, had left his desk so unorganized it took her days to sort all the paperwork out. Once that was done, she started visiting stations to meet the firefighters serving under her. On one such day, she visited station 23 and 19, introducing herself and meeting them. She then went with station 19 to a scene, where a car had gone over the side of a cliff. Andy Herrera tried to cede command to Ross, but she said she was just observing and told Andy to keep command. When the call was over, she returned to station 19 with the team, where she said she'd noted amongst everything else in the derelict paperwork a long-overdue promotion. Overriding Beckett, she then promoted Robert Sullivan to lieutenant of station 19.[5]

10K N Turnouts[]

Ross came to the 10K fundraiser. After the event was over, she gave a speech about the clinic. Then she flirted with Sullivan while posing for pictures with him.[6]

Clinic Opening[]

Ross came to station 19 on the day the clinic first opened. She posed for pictures with Jack and told him it needed to be a success at it was the first thing she approved as Chief. When she overheard Travis struggling to communicate with a patient, Jae-Jin Park, who didn't speak English, she stepped in and asked him in Korean what was wrong, then translated his reply for Travis. She noted that he had edema in his legs like her father had when he had stage 4 cancer. While they tried to decide what to do next, Jae-Jin's son, Justin Park, came in and explained to them that they knew he had cancer, but hadn't told him because it was inoperable and they wanted to enjoy the time they had left with him and take trips. They knew that if he knew he had cancer, he would hide away from them to avoid feeling like a burden. Ross and Travis watched as Justin led his father out of the station.[7]

Closing 23[]

Andy approached Ross and told her that she wanted to be back at 19, because it was her home and her team. She talked about the problems that 23 had while she talked, which solved a problem for Ross, as she'd been trying to decide which station to close to balance the budget.[8]

After a pep talk from Sullivan, Ross visited 23 on the next shift and told them the station was being closed. She also said they would receive their reassignments or severances within the week. The same day, she met with Maya and told her that she wouldn't be reinstating Maya as captain of 19, because the department relied on a chain of command to keep people safe and she had ignored a direct order from her superior. Maya tried to defend her decision and told Ross her demotion was more about her supporting her team's involvement in Black Lives Matter than that one call, but Ross shut it down and said it was a problem that she didn't understand that she'd done something wrong.

After Beckett refused his offers to help with his alcohol abuse, Sullivan went to Ross and told her that he had a drinking problem. She thanked him for letting her know.[9]

Ross came to the closing of 23, where she told Andy she was doing everything she could to make sure Andy landed back at 19, though she couldn't make any promises. From there, she went to 19, where she told Beckett he'd have to submit to a test of his alcohol level because someone had accused him of drinking, possibly while on the job. She then informed the team that he would be out until further notice and Sullivan would act as captain in his absence.[10]

Andy's Suspension[]

In the aftermath of Andy's arrest, Ross met with her. Since he had to stop by station 42, she said they could talk in the car on the way. Andy thought she would be receiving her re-assignment, but Ross told her she would be suspended in accordance with department policy to suspend any firefighter charged with a felony. On their way to the 42, a call came on the radio for a scene involving multiple stations, meaning Ross needed to make an appearance. At the scene, she told Andy she had to stay in the car because she was a civilian.

When she learned that the fire was in a sweatshop where twelve undocumented Thai women were being held hostage, she called an immigration lawyer she knew to meet the women at the hospital to help them get S-visas. Travis was frustrated by this, saying it wasn't enough, that not enough was in their purview. She told him either to put himself into a position where he could change things or stop talking about it. Otherwise, his ranting was pointless. When Sullivan tried to speak to her about Beckett, saying him being captain was a flaw in the symptom, she told him she didn't ask him and requested that he not speak to her about any firefighters. If he needed to report something, she told him to go through proper channels.[11]

Board Meeting[]

In preparation for a meeting with the board, Ross came to the clinic and took some pictures. She also asked Maya, Carina, and Ben to go over the med station with her so she would be able to talk about the program appropriately. During this time, she was also brusque with Sullivan, brushing off his offer to help.[12]

Car Accident and Pru's Party[]

Ross came to the scene as they were finishing a call involving radioactive material being spilled onto the street near a school bus full of children. While she was checking how the call had gone, Travis said he was going to run for mayor and asked for her support. She said she couldn't endorse him as fire chief, but she would personally. From the scene, she went to the station, where Ben and Bailey were having a party for Pru. Her presence aroused Maya's suspicion, as she knew that Ross and Ben weren't especially close. Maya later left the party to confront Ross and Sullivan, saying she knew they were sleeping together and saying if Ross didn't give her her job back, she was going to report them. When Jack abruptly quit, Ross gave Andy the open lieutenant position at 19.[13]



During her time in the Marines, she was involved with Robert Sullivan. When she became the fire chief for Seattle Fire Department, they rekindled this relationship.[14]

The day the clinic opened, Sullivan asked Ross out on a date, but she declined, saying she wanted to lie low for a while so they didn't get discovered.[15]

After telling Sullivan that he needed to start reporting things through proper channels instead of by texting or calling her, Ross came to Sullivan's place and the two of them had sex.[16]

The two of them continued hooking up after this and she came to Pru's party at the station, despite barely knowing Ben. This aroused suspicion from Maya, who confronted Ross and Sullivan at the party, saying she knew they were sleeping together and saying if she didn't get her job back, she would be reporting them.[17]


Her mother is from Seoul. Her father died of cancer.[18]


She is the fire chief at the Seattle Fire Department. Prior to this, she was deputy fire chief in San Diego for five years and battalion chief for ten years before that.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • She speaks Korean.[19]
  • She has protein shakes for breakfast.[20]
  • She has a neighbor named Mrs. Parker who spies on her.[21]
  • She can also speak French.[source?]
  • She hates the woods.[22]


A more complete gallery with pictures of Natasha Ross can be found here.

Notable Episodes[]

These episodes are Natasha-centric or are otherwise very informative about her life:


