HOTTY - Translation in Spanish -
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What is the translation of "hotty" in Spanish?

hotty = es
persona atractiva físicamente

"hotty" in Spanish


hotty {noun}


English How to use "hotty" in a sentence

Or because she's a hotty with a forehead hewn from marble?
Like he's not exactly a hotty, but still, the young ladies swoon in his presence.
This hotty had a desperate craving for women...

English How to use "hottie" in a sentence

There is two potential hotties in this book!
Here's a tubful of hotties we're sure you'll be begging for a long soak with.
Now the hottie, going one step ahead, has launched her website which will have some sleazy acts.
Few things will attract more business than hotties.
Bust out your beanies and fill up the hotties - the snowy season has finally arrived.