Star Wars Outlaws release date, trailers, and latest news
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Star Wars Outlaws release date, trailers, and latest news

Everything you need to know about the Star Wars Outlaws release date, as well as its characters, story, and all the latest trailers.

Star Wars Outlaws release date, gameplay, story

What is the Star Wars Outlaws release date? Ubisoft is dipping its toe into the galaxy far, far away, and recently gave us a glimpse of everything we can expect from its upcoming Star Wars game. Massive Entertainment, the team behind The Division series and the Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora game, has been working on Star Wars Outlaws since 2021.

In classic Ubisoft style, Star Wars Outlaws will be an open-world game with action-adventure elements and a single-player experience. The story itself takes place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, centering around Kay Vess and her companion, Nix, as they take on a huge heist in the galaxy.

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Star Wars Outlaws release date

The Star Wars Outlaws release date is Friday, August 30, 2024. It will be available on PC via Ubisoft Connect and Epic Games Store, as well as Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5.

Those who preorder Star Wars Outlaws will get the Kessel Runner bonus pack. The Ultimate edition includes the Rogue Infiltrator and Sabacc Shark bundles with cosmetics for your ship. If you pick up either the Gold or Ultimate editions, you’ll also get the season pass and can play the game three days earlier. The Star Wars Outlaws early access begins on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

News of the Star Wars Outlaws release was leaked by Ubisoft Japan’s YouTube premiere page (via the Gematsu Twitter/X account), with a story trailer released later the same day confirming the date. The game’s tentative release date appeared during the Xbox Showcase, but sources close to Kotaku said Ubisoft wanted to release Star Wars Outlaws during the current fiscal year. A Disney Park blog post initially said the release date would be late 2024, but this has since changed to just 2024 following a correction from Ubisoft.

Star Wars Outlaws trailers

There are three Star Wars Outlaws trailers out so far, one revealing the game and a more in-depth look at the gameplay at the Xbox Showcase. As summarized in the story trailer, our hero Kay Vess is on the run from a syndicate group known as Zerek Besh because she crossed their boss, Sliro. However, she is given a golden opportunity to earn her freedom, but only if she can swipe his fortune.

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With the help of some companions, including ND-5, a suave android with a killer coat and a sultry voice (that the interest apparently has the hots for), and the aforementioned little critter Nix, who can be a useful ally in combat and exploring the world. Other companions briefly appear in the story trailer during a monologue, though we don’t know if they join Kay’s crew.

We also meet some familiar faces from the world of scum and villainy, namely Jabba the Hut in all his blubbery slug-like glory. Kay will also be pursued the entire time by a bounty hunter sent by Sliro to put an end to her adventures. While we don’t know her name, she remarks that Kay is involved in something bigger, hinting at some looming treachery.

Star Wars Outlaws gameplay

Star Wars Outlaws takes place in a time of civil unrest, where bandits are thriving. Enter Kay Vess and her furry sidekick, Nix. From the gameplay reveal, we can see Kay using stealth mechanics to creep around a guarded facility. She punches one guard in the face, but as things heat up, Kay can send out Nix to attack cards or interact with controls.

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It seems like there will be few ways to approach missions, but if you’re spotted and enemies are alerted, Kay can whip out her blaster pistol and shoot enemies, running and jumping over obstacles and hiding behind blockades.

When a guard with a shield attacks, Kay can change her gun’s mode to stun or focus on disarming it before using the butt of her gun or meleeing the enemy. Nix can also be used to fetch different weapons in combat and turn the tide in a fight if you’re under pressure.

Aside from combat, the game introduces a ‘wanted’ system, shown by your choice to bribe or not bribe somebody after an exchange, as well as a reputation among factions, a classic staple of classic RPGs, which can drastically change how a mission will work. Lead systems designer Matthieu Delisle expands on this in an article on Game Informer, explaining that “If you have a bad reputation with the syndicates, they won’t let you in. You can sneak in, but if you get caught, you will be kicked out. However, if you have a good reputation once you’ve worked good rep with the Pyke Syndicate, for example, you’ll be able to freely go in and then you can get access to a bunch of opportunities.”

If you’re hoping to play the space game when the Star Wars Outlaws release date arrives, here’s whether Star Wars Outlaws is coming to Game Pass. For more, here are the best Star Wars games and all upcoming PC games this year and beyond.