George Eliot Love Poems

George Eliot Love Poems

  • 1.
    It was in the prime
    Of the sweet springtime
    In the linnet's throat
    Trembled the love note,
  • 2.
    Your soul was lifted by the wings today
    Hearing the master of the violin:
    You praised him, praised the great Sabastian too
    Who made that fine Chaconne; but did you think
  • 3.
    You love the roses - so do I. I wish
    The sky would rain down roses, as they rain
    From off the shaken bush. Why will it not?
    Then all the valley would be pink and white
  • 4.
    "La noche buena se viene,
    La noche buena se va,
    Y nosotros nos iremos
    Y no volveremos mas."
  • 5.
    Oh, may I join the choir invisible
    Of those immortal dead who live again
    In minds made better by their presence; live
    In pulses stirred to generosity,
  • 6.
    Should I long that dark were fair? Say, O song.
    Lacks my love aught that I should long?
    Dark the night with breath all flow'rs
    And tender broken voice that fills
  • 7.

    I cannot choose but think upon the time
    When our two lives grew like two buds that kiss
  • 8.
    Two lovers by a moss-grown spring:
    They leaned soft cheeks together there,
    Mingled the dark and sunny hair,
    And heard the wooing thrushes sing.
Total 8 Love Poems by George Eliot

Top 10 most used topics by George Eliot

Light 10 I Love You 8 Love 8 Sweet 7 World 6 Life 6 Time 6 Rose 6 Sky 6 Pure 5

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 by Sidney Lanier

'Spring-germs, spring-germs,
I charge you by your life, go back to death.
This glebe is sick, this wind is foul of breath.
Stay: feed the worms.

'Oh! every clod
Is faint, and falters from the war of growth
And crumbles in a dreary dust of sloth,

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