150+ Movies And Shows With Line In The Title
  • Photo:
    • The Thin Red Line / Line of Duty

150+ Movies And Shows With Line In The Title

Jason Bancroft
May 14, 2024 199 items

Get ready to trace some lines that aren't just drawn in the sand but are boldly etched into the titles of some epic movies and shows. From thrilling plots that twist like a zigzag to heartfelt stories that draw a straight path right to your emotions, these titles pack a punch with just one common word: “line.”

This curated list isn't just about connecting dots; it's about exploring how something as simple as a line can define boundaries, create connections, and lead characters (and viewers) on unexpected journeys. Whether it's a battle line or a lifeline, each title promises an adventure where lines are not just spoken but truly lived out. So grab your popcorn and prepare for some screen time filled with definitive lines.