Dégradé - Cineuropa

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by Arab Nasser, Tarzan Nasser


Gaza Strip, nowadays. Christine’s beauty salon is heaving with female clients: a bitter divorcée, a religious woman, a lunatic addicted to prescription drugs and a young bride-to-be among others. But their day of leisure is disrupted when gunfire breaks out across the street. A gangland family has stolen the lion from Gaza’s zoo, and Hamas has decided it’s time to settle old scores. Stuck in the salon, the women start to unravel...

international title: Dégradé
original title: Dégradé
country: Palestine, France, Qatar
sales agent: Elle Driver
year: 2015
genre: fiction
directed by: Arab Nasser, Tarzan Nasser
film run: 84'
release date: FR 27/04/2016, SE 11/12/2016
screenplay: Arab Nasser, Tarzan Nasser
cast: Hiam Abbass, Maisa Abd Elhadi, Manal Awad, Mirna Sakhla, Dina Shuhaiber, Victoria Balitska
cinematography by: Eric Devin
film editing: Sophie Reine
music: Benjamin Grospiron
producer: Marie Legrand, Rani Massalha, Rashid Abdelhamid
production: Les Films du Tambour, Mille et Une Films, Full House, Maneki Films, Made in Palestine Project, Maneki Films, Mille et Une Films, Borsalino Productions, Abbout Productions
distributor: Le Pacte, Folkets Bio

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