Chinatown (1974), VHS (1999), Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, Film noir · Whatnot: Buy, Sell & Go Live
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Chinatown (1974), VHS (1999), Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, Film noir

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$4.00 + shipping & taxes
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Product Details

Chinatown is a classic film noir released in 1974, directed by Roman Polanski. It features Jack Nicholson as a private detective who gets entangled in a web of corruption and deceit while investigating a seemingly simple case in 1930s Los Angeles. The movie's cinematic importance lies in its revitalization of the film noir genre and its masterful storytelling. Chinatown is known for its iconic dialogue, captivating plot twists, and memorable performances. The film's title refers to the historic area of Los Angeles, but the story also delves into themes of power, greed, and the dark underbelly of society. If you're a fan of mystery, crime, and top-notch filmmaking, Chinatown is definitely worth a watch.

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I collect and source analog/retro media for myself & others. I specialize in locally caught, organic, farm-to-table VHS rarities.
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