shane' mann Fine Art


� � � �

RockView - Breaking Storm

By Shane' Mann

22" x 28"

Oil Painting Created in Art Studio

Original ~ Prints are available�

The smell of the salty sea and thunderous pounding of the waves on the cliffs

Storm Clouds ride the light of day�

Come here to breath in the breaking storm

not a word to say

Ancient beauty of The ocean is inspiration to my heart.

The night filled with stars, the evening colors in Nature's Palette.

Today-nature has created another beautiful day painting.

My portfolio includes:

Fantasy �Space works ~

My paintings are inspired by the midnight sky �lying under a canopy of stars imagining what may be.

Nature ~

Hiking in nature is my time to�commune with the creative spirit ! �

Changing colors �glisten in the crashing waves, rivers undulating and shimmering, mossy trees drenched in earthy shadow.

Moon light sea in green

I invite my viewers into a journey of visionary poetry

Share my expertise and excitement �as a student �and �create your own landscape or seascape.

watch for new classes starting soon

~Shane' Mann

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