Jellinge Style - Archaeologs

Jellinge Style

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An art style that takes its name from the Viking site at Jellinge. Much Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian art from the 9th century until the mid-11th century is characterized by animal ornament and zoomorphic motifs, which are usually disjointed, stylized, and abstract. This type of decoration was most often applied to jewelry, sculptured crosses, and sculptured stones.


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An art form that takes its name from the Viking site at Jellinge. Much Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian art from the 9th century until the mid-11th century is characterized by animal ornament and zoomorphic motifs, which are usually disjointed, stylized and entirely abstract. This kind of decoration was most often applied to jewellery, sculptured crosses and sculptured stones. The complexities of the different styles and their chronologies continues to be the subject of scholarly debate. One such style, known as the Jellinge style, seems to have been developed by Anglo-Scandinavian craftsmen and then reintroduced and perfected in Scandinavia during the 10th century.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied