What is Asana?

What is Asana?

Asana is a collaborative work management platform. But what does that mean?

Imagine this.

You and your team are launching a new line of shoes, Yetis. The next day, someone sends an email to kick off the project. There's a lot that needs to happen. You need to develop a marketing plan, design the shoes, produce them, and get them into stores, but you need to clarify who's doing what and by when. You can make a spreadsheet. Okay. That's a little better. But you can't have conversations in a spreadsheet. So you're still having many discussions in email and chat, which only sometimes stay on topic.

Sound familiar?

This is the chaotic world of unstructured work, where we manage our work and collaborate with others across various tools. Asana gives your team a system for turning the chaos of unstructured work into order and a single place to coordinate and communicate about work.

Let's try this again.

Instead of an email, your friend sends a message in Asana. And instead of a spreadsheet, They include a link to a project for the shoe launch. The tasks in that project make it clear who's doing what and by when. Comments on each task keep the conversation focused. And it's clear to everyone when work is getting done. The best part is that all this happens in one place—no more switching between email, spreadsheets, and chat tools. In Asana, you'll see all your to-dos across every project you're working on. No more messy email systems or paper to-do lists.

It's time to say goodbye to the chaos of unstructured work and kick off this launch with Asana, the collaborative work management platform.

Keep learning.

Are you interested in deepening your understanding of the basics of Asana? This self-paced course will go deeper into how to get started.

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