Remembering 'Top of the Pops' and the show's most iconic performances

Remembering 'Top of the Pops' and the show's most iconic performances

The show that set the standard for popular music for four decades

Stars Insider

25/04/24 | StarsInsider

MUSIC Music history

Before there was MTV or VH1, there was 'Top of the Pops.' Every week, the BBC showcased and broadcast the latest and greatest music from the Western world in front of a studio audience. And while the show's history behind the scenes may be messy, what it did for music and for culture is undeniable. Some of the defining moments in music history, such as David Bowie presenting Ziggy Stardust to a large audience for the first time and the members of Nirvana throwing away their air time in protest, occurred on the set of 'Top of the Pops.'

Intrigued? Click on to read about some of the most iconic performances in the history of this influential music show.

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