Mike Watt: Extreme Wattage! - Bass Magazine

Mike Watt: Extreme Wattage!

Bergantino Welcomes the Legendary Mike Watt to their Family of Artists

Mike Watt: Extreme Wattage!

Bergantino Welcomes the Legendary Mike Watt to their Family of Artists

Photo by Stevo Rood Mike Watt is an archetype. Now 65, he remains a living legend of the bass whose totally original approach and bold, untethered sound has inspired generations of low-enders through his work with Minutemen, Firehose, The Stooges, Porno For Pyros, Big Walnuts Yonder, The Missingmen, Dos, and his solo releases. Watt is all heart when it comes to music or anything, for that matter. His prolific body of work has embodied and influenced punk, rock and roll, hardcore, surf rock, alternative, art rock, and pop—even though he has no regard for the concept of genres or any specific classification. Watt’s relentless touring schedule finds him on the road for long stretches at a time, but when he’s at home in San Pedro, California, he keeps busy with his podcast, The Watt From Pedro Show, and collaborations with musicians from all over the world.  When it comes to gear, Watt has enlisted a revolving selection of basses and amps over his 45-year career�
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Jon D'Auria   By: Jon D'Auria