The British Entertainment History Project | Jerome Kuehl 1931-2018 |

Jerome Kuehl 1931-2018

“JERRY KUEHL - media historian and long time member of the British Entertainment History Project

The archive world has received some very sad, but inevitable news of the death of Jerry Kuehl. Jerry had stoically coped with ill health for many years. Jerry, with wonderful support from Adele- his wife of many years,  managed to keep his heart going for more than 30 years after his big heart attack.  He told me some years ago, he was crossing the road outside the Royal Free when he was knocked over by a “kamikaze” cyclist , carried into the hospital  where an abdominal aneurysm was discovered – so thanks to the cyclist  Jerry got another innings!!

Jerry worked on "The World at War" (and before that "The Great War"). Jerry was a great supporter of archives and archive productions, having made many in his illustrious career. Jerry was always there, if needed, to check any historical footage (especially WW2) information. Above all else Jerry was a wonderful friend to have. He introduced me to the BECTU History Project (now the British Entertainment History Project) when I first left the BBC – thinking I needed something to occupy my time!!

Sue Malden

You can also find an obituary by Taylor Downing here:


