Changing trigger blades on your Suhl 150 | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
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Changing trigger blades on your Suhl 150

2K views 5 replies 4 participants last post by  JMason77 
#1 · (Edited)
This post is to help make it easy to remove or change the Suhl 150 trigger blade. The trigger blade is essentially "fenced in" by trigger adjustment screws both fore and aft. After some trial and error, I think the following is the easiest path to open the 'fence' and provide an opening to remove the trigger blade.

As shown in the picture, drive the small screw just aft of the trigger blade "in" until you can remove the factory trigger blade. You can then install a new trigger blade, or replace the old one as the case may be. That small screw adjusts the spring that determines the pull force during the first stage of the trigger pull. If you want to get it back to exactly where you started, just count the turns as you drive it in. When you are done changing the trigger blade, drive it out the same number of turns.

Hope this helps.
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