These Photos Of Kylie Jenner Without Makeup Or A Spray Tan Have Some People Accusing Her Of "Blackfishing"
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Kylie Jenner Was Photographed In Quarantine And OMG, She Looks So Different

It took a full 30 seconds for me to recognize her, TBH.

Let's be honest: Quarantine has all of us keeping our looks a little more ~casual~ lately. Heck, I haven't worn anything but sweatpants in over a month, and I am PROUD.

Well, it turns out even Kylie Jenner is ditching her usual glam routine these days — and honestly, who isn't? But I have to admit that when I first saw these paparazzi photos of Kylie, it took me a full 30 seconds to figure out who she was.

Here's the Kylie we're all used to seeing on TV and social media:

And here's Kylie yesterday, carrying some quarantine snacks to her car:

No makeup, no hair extensions, no designer outfits — just her sweats and some Kettle Chips.

And hey, it really shouldn't be THAT surprising to see a human being in their PJs right now. We're in a freaking pandemic, after all.

Still, it's a healthy reminder that, without their glam squads, celebs look just like the rest of us.

On Twitter, people had jokes about the photos:

The way that Quarantine has turned Kylie Jenner back into a white girl

@BeyonceLeague @BrianMcLight Nature is healing

Some thought it was refreshing to see Kylie without makeup:

@BeyonceLeague @YONCEONHISDICK She looks so cute lol

@BeyonceLeague she looks normal. love that

But others see the photos as proof that, in non-pandemic times, Kylie is guilty of "blackfishing" — using artificial tans to appear black.

@multifandompig @BeyonceLeague yes it's because she's the blackfishing queen ☺️☺️☺️👑👑👑

This is something the Kardashian-Jenner family has been accused of many times before, and for some Twitter users, seeing Kylie without her typical spray tan was a reminder of how much she usually manipulates her appearance.

@PAOradoxic @BeyonceLeague They all are. They're the blackfish family

In fact, a few people on Twitter apparently did not realize Kylie was white until now, which had the rest of the internet facepalming.

@BeyonceLeague @TinySilhouette The fact that some people now realize that she is white...

Well, any way you slice it, we now know what Kylie Jenner looks like in her everyday life. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(We also now know that she sometimes goes out in public without any shoes or socks on. Huh.)

If you want to see more celebrities who've been photographed in public since this pandemic started, we've got you covered.