Israeli series ‘Bros’ to stream on Netflix - Israel Culture - The Jerusalem Post

Israeli series ‘Bros’ to stream on Netflix

Bros tells the story of the inseparable childhood friends Pini and Nisso (Savyon and Amir), co-owners of a local Jerusalem bar, and die-hard Beitar Jerusalem soccer fans. 

 ‘BROS’ WITH Hanan Savyon and Guy Amir.  (photo credit: NETFLIX)
‘BROS’ WITH Hanan Savyon and Guy Amir.
(photo credit: NETFLIX)

The series, Bros, an eight-episode Hebrew-language dramedy written and directed by its stars, the kings of Israeli comedy Hanan Savyon and Guy Amir, and produced for Netflix, will be available exclusively on the streaming service starting November 9. It will be shown in 190 countries. 

Savyon and Amir starred in the hit movies, Maktub and Forgiveness, and the television series, Asfur.

Bros tells the story of the inseparable childhood friends Pini and Nisso (Savyon and Amir), co-owners of a local Jerusalem bar, and die-hard Beitar Jerusalem soccer fans. 

 Netflix's mobile app is displayed on a tablet.. (credit: PIXABAY)
Netflix's mobile app is displayed on a tablet.. (credit: PIXABAY)

Their friendship is tested when their lives take unexpected turns as their bar faces closure and their favorite team is set to play the most important match in its history.

Filmed across Eastern Europe and Israel

The series was filmed in Israel, Poland, Ukraine, and Georgia; and was produced by Adar Shafran, Moshe Edery, Roni Abamowsky, and Danna Stern.