X2: X-Men United is regarded as one of the franchise's most successful entries, in part due to its sheer number of mutant characters. After already adding a handful of 21st Century Fox's formerly-owned X-titles, the 2003 film is a welcome new addition to the Disney+ streaming service.

Of all of the movies within Fox's X-Men universe, X2: X-Men United is arguably the one that most fully embraces its source material's focus on team-ups and group dynamics, allowing for some some of the series' most compelling fight scenes and super-powered displays. It also tapped into the dark themes of oppression that have set Marvel's mutants apart within the crowded superhero genre, as the X-Men face a villain who is planning a total genocide of every mutant in the world.

Related: Fox's X-Men Movies Never Worked Because it Focused On The Wrong Characters

Fresh off the heels of 2000's X-Men, the sequel brings back many familiar mutants, but also adds several more to their ranks, ranging from fully fleshed-out characters to the smallest of cameo appearances. Here are all 20 "Children of the Atom" who appear in X2: X-Men United, and what powers they have.

1. Wolverine

Wolverine in X2

The role that catapulted Hugh Jackman to super-stardom also has the distinction of being the X-Movie Universe's most recognizable character. Born James Howlett but going by "Logan" after losing his memories, Wolverine possesses extensive healing powers and, initially, bone claws that extend from his hands. During experimentation at the hands of Weapon X Project, Logan's claws were overlaid with Adamantium, a nearly indestructible steel alloy. At the start of X2: X-Men United, the gruff Canadian searches for answers at Alkali Lake's secret military compound - and that specter is central to the plot of the film.

2. Professor Xavier

Patrick Stewart as Professor X looks serious, sat in a fancy suit

Played by Patrick Stewart, Professor Charles Xavier is a powerful telepath, capable of mind control, erasing memories, reading and projecting thoughts, and locating others (often through the aid of Cerebro). Extraordinarily wealthy and optimistic for a future in which mutants and humans can co-exist peacefully, Stewart's Xavier is a father figure for his students - many of whom have found themselves abandoned, ostracized, and at risk from a world that hates and fears them. One of the most formidable mutants on the planet, the X-Men follow-up shows that there are forces looking to use Xavier's psychic abilities to wipe out all of homo superior.

3. Magneto

Ian McKellen as Erik Lehnsherr Magneto in X2 X-Men United Bryan Singer

Born in Germany and a survivor of the Holocaust, Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto (played by Sir Ian McKellen) is able to manipulate magnetic fields and control metal with his thoughts. Militant and distrustful of humans, 2000's X-Men film saw Magneto kidnap Rogue, using her as a conduit for a weapon meant to induce mutations on the scores of world leaders gathered on the nearby Ellis Island. Imprisoned in a plastic prison at the end of the film, the Master of Magnetism finds himself ready for escape and to pick up the mission where he left off.

Related: Casting Professor X For The MCU

4. Storm

Halle Berry as Storm piloting the X-Jet in X-Men

Ororo Monroe a.k.a. Storm, portrayed by Halle Barry, is weather goddess capable of harnessing the forces of nature by creating lightning, tornados, gusts of winds, hail, snow, and rain. While Storm's origins aren't explored during the initial film series, X-Men reveals that she was one of Xavier's first students (at least in this timeline), along with Scott and Jean. X2: X-Men United sees Ororo as passionate teacher and defender of her charges.

5. Jean Grey

X2 Jean Grey

Changed by the events on Liberty Isle and experiencing rapid growth with her telekinetic and telepathic powers, Jean Grey - played by Famke Jassen - is often regarded as the most powerful of the X-Cinematic Universe's Omega-level mutants. Capable of moving and lifting increasingly large objects with her thoughts and peeking into minds with relative ease, Jean also shows slight precognitive abilities in X2: X-Men United - a departure from her comic book counterpart. In her opening scene at the museum, hushed voices dominate Jean's mind and, with a careful listen, fans may recognize lines spoken later on in the film. Throughout the franchise's second installment, Jean Grey continues to dominate with her dynamic abilities, culminating in an impactful and moving self-sacrifice.

6. Cyclops

James Marsden as Cyclops in X-Men

James Marsden's Cyclops a.k.a. Scott Summers may be a bit of a Boy Scout, but his optic concussive force beams still pack a serious punch. Cyclops, the field leader of the X-Men and a partner to Jean, was taken in by Xavier at a young age to help control his highly destructive powers. Rival to teammate Wolverine for Jean's attention, Cyclops remains a steadfast follower of Xavier and his ideology.

7. Nightcrawler

Alan Cumming looking angrily as Nightcrawler in X2 X-Men United

Alan Cummings plays Kurt Wagner the Amazing Nightcrawler for his one-time outing in X2: X-Men United. Born with blue skin, a devilish tail, and three digits on each of his hands and feet, Nightcrawler's teleportation ability is augmented by his acrobatic movement style, night vision, and wall-clinging ability, making him a welcome addition to the mutant team. Kurt's Catholic faith and hopefulness are at odds with his demonic appearance and he begins the film shaken after being used and discarded by William Stryker for his own division-sowing ends.

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8. Rogue

After her introduction in the previous film, X2: X-Men United sees a more grown-up and confident Rogue, as portrayed by Anna Paquin. With the ability to absorb powers, abilities, and memories through skin-to-skin contact, her on-screen version is decidedly more grounded than her comic book equivalent - who gained permanent powers of flight and invulnerability when Rogue turned her powers against Carol Danvers a.k.a. Captain Marvel. At the start of the film, Rogue has begun settling into her life at the Xavier Institute, entering into a relationship with Bobby and maintaining her connection to Logan, with whom she formed a close bond in X-Men.

9. Iceman

The Boys' Shawn Ashmore plays Iceman - another Omega Level mutant with the ability to freeze airborne water particles to create ice beams, blasts, projectiles, and barriers. In the prior film, Bobby Drake mostly stayed in the background, but in X2: X-Men United, he plays a more central role, joining the resistance against Stryker and effectively earning his place on the super hero team. Although portrayed differently than his wise-cracking and comedically-bent comic book iteration, this Bobby is shown to have an internal strength and confidence beyond his years, even in the face of his misinformed and bigoted family.

10. Pyro

Presented as Iceman's "frenemy," Pyro - or John Allendyce - has the ability to manipulate flames, making it necessary to carry a lighter throughout the film. Recast with actor Aaron Stanford after the character's brief cameo in X-Men, not much is known about Pyro's backstory. However, while visiting Bobby's family, the pyrokinetic mutant is shown to react to a series of household family photos, perhaps hinting at his own tragic past.

11. Mystique

Played with athleticism and grace by Rebecca Romijn, Mystique/Raven Darkholme is a gifted shape-shifter, although her frequently-seen blue and scaly appearance is her true form - at least in the movie universe. A skilled assassin, hacker, and fighter, Mystique is one of Magneto's most devoted followers and at the start of X2: X-Men United, her findings will push her even harder to help her leader escape imprisonment. While some sort of romantic (or at least flirtatious) relationship with Erik is alluded to, there is no concrete evidence that the two are an item - a plot line that would be revisited in the prequel films which followed the original X-Men trilogy.

Related: X-Men Theory: Why Mystique Is So Different In The Prequels

12. Deathstrike

In the X-Men movie universe, Yuriko Oyama (Kelly Hu) received her Adamantium upgrades after her own involvement with the Weapon X Project, but unlike Wolverine, her claws extend from her fingertips. A fierce warrior, martial artist, and with access to her own healing factor, Deathstrike is a match for Wolverine and is enlisted as William Stryker's body guard throughout the film. However, it is revealed that for such a seemingly in-control woman, her story is one of tragedy, gross manipulation, and brainwashing. Based on Marvel Comic's "Lady Deathstrike," Yuriko's on-screen depiction alludes to her being a mutant when, by contrast, she is a cyborg in the source material.

13. Mutant 143 (Jason Stryker)

While this character may not have a direct comic book equivalent, Jason Stryker (Michael Reid MacKay) is shown to be William Stryker's son - wheelchair-bound and drugged while used for his father's bidding. With the power to fabricate powerful illusions with his psychic powers, Mutant 143 shares similar abilities with Marvel Comics' Mastermind character - who also has "Jason" as a first name. In X2: X-Men United, it is revealed that Jason's life was changed forever when Xavier proved unable to reverse his mutation after his father's misguided request.

14. Colossus

Piotr Rasputin, known as Colossus, is a Russian-born student at the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. Despite actor Daniel Cudmore's limited screen-time in X2: X-Men United, fans of the comics were delighted to witness Colossus' organic steel form and super strength has be helps to protect the students while 1407 Graymalkin Lane is under siege. His heroism is rewarded in X-Men: The Last Stand, where he becomes a full-fledged member of the team, playing a more prominent role.

15. Kitty Pryde

Seen in the first X-Men movie with a different actress in the role, Kitty Pryde is back for another cameo, this time played by Katie Stuart. With the ability to become intangible and phase through solid objects, Kitty uses her abilities to escape from her attackers with relative ease. The character is a mainstay in the comics and her youthful portrayal served a a departure from a team mostly made up of adult mutants. Though Kitty's role in X2: X-Men United was small, Ellen Page assumed the part in the next X-film and became a fully-fledged member of the team.

Related: X-Men: Every Character Who Got Recast

16. Jubilee

Fans of Fox's X-Men: The Animated Series may have recognized Jubilee in another X2 cameo. Kea Wong plays the role and, though the theatrical version of he film cut much of the character's screen time, a deleted scene shows Jubilee walking through the museum's exhibit on mutation, as her powers (seemingly electric in nature in the film, as opposed to her distinctive fireworks from the animated series and comics) begin to manifest. The character's history in the X-Men franchise has been an inconsistent one, as she was later played by Lana Condor in X-Men: Apocalypse - a film which is meant to take place some twenty-some years before the events of X2.

17. Artie

Artie Maddicks in the museum scene in X2 X-Men United

Artie Maddicks, portrayed by Bryce Hodgson, is loosely based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. While the film never explores his mutant powers (save for his forked blue tongue), the comic book character was introduced into the spinoff series X-Factor, and has the ability to create holographic projections of his thoughts. In X2: X-Men United, Artie never speaks, suggesting that he is mute like his comic book inspiration.

18. Siryn

Siryn repels Hydra troops in X2 X-Men United

With a supersonic scream, Theresa Cassidy a.k.a. Siryn uses her powers against those who infiltrate the school early into the film's action. Her powers are nearly identical to Banshee, who plays a prominent role in X-Men: First Class. Whether or not Banshee is Theresa's father in the film (as in the source material) is unknown. In her brief appearance, Siryn is played by Shauna Kain.

19. Jones

Connor Widdows plays Jones, a role that was created for X2: X-Men United and does not have a direct parallel from the comics. From what is shown during the film, Jones appears to have control over technology and is able to control machines with his minds. He is a student at the Xavier School and clearly something of a night owl.

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20. Beast (Dr. Hank McCoy)

Yes, that's right. Dr. Hank McCoy makes a brief cameo in X2: X-Men United, before either Kelsey Grammer or Nicholas Hoult assumed the role. First played by Steve Baric, McCoy is seen as a talking head on the news, taking part in the "mutant debate." While the character's cinematic continuity is particularly challenging - especially since he is shown in his famous blue and furry form in the next film in the series - it can be assumed that he is still has his ape-like strength, dexterity, balance, and agility.

In a series noted for its unevenness throughout the years, X2: X-Men United sets itself apart as one of the franchise's most satisfying films. More ambitious than its predecessor, the film made way for the Marvel Cinematic Universe's bigger and bolder approach by proving that a script following so many heroes could make for a viable and exciting story. And with this band of Marvel's Merry Mutants, that's not all that surprising.

Next: What X-Men's Movie Future Would Look Like If Disney Didn't Buy Fox

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