What's Kamishibai | IKAJA

What's Kamishibai



If you know more about the variety of kamishibai, please see "How to Perform Kamishibai"link-icon

What's Kamishibai

Kamishibai was born in Japan around 1930, and it has developed as a form of publication for children (created by authors and illustrators) since the 1950s, becoming an established part of Japanese children’s culture. It has now begun to spread throughout the world.
The wonder of kamishibai stems from the joy of kyokan (shared feeling) experienced by the performer and audience as they explore the world of a story.

Kyokan grows out of kamishibai’s unique format and features. To present a kamishibai, you put it into a butai (wooden stage). To perform, you slide each sheet out and then back in. In this way, the kamishibai story proceeds. The text is printed on the back of each sheet, so you need a performer, and the performer faces the audience to deliver the content. When the performer slides out each sheet, the story world extends into the real world. And the performer and audience start to feel kyokan related to the story, through verbal and nonverbal communication with each other.

The unique format and features of kamishibai
To present a kamishibai, you put it into a butai (wooden stage). To perform, you slide each sheet out and then back in.
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The text is printed on the back of each sheet, so you need a performer, and the performer faces the audience to deliver the content.
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When the performer slides out each sheet, the story world extends into the real world.
The performer and audience start to feel kyokan related to the story, through verbal and nonverbal communication with each other.
The above "format" leads to the "key feature" of Kamishibai.

If you are interested in kamishibai, and want to perform kamishibai.
Please go to
"How to Perform Kamishibai"link-icon
We have more information about kamishibai, how to perform it as well as IKAJA-recommended kamishibai, etc.

More information ... Becoming an International Member

If you'd like to know more about it, please read our "Welcome Pack" which we'll forward to you on receiving the completed "the Membership Application Form".
Please see Membership, Voices link-icon

"Welcome Pack": Kamishibai Newsletter vol.10"link-icon


The International Kamishibai Association of Japan (IKAJA)
Terakoya, 3-32-15-1F, Inokashira, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 181-0001 Japan

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T (World Kamishibai Day)

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