Types of Butterflies: 30+ Types of Butterflies and their Identifications • 7ESL

Types of Butterflies: 30+ Types of Butterflies and their Identifications

Butterflies are a fascinating group of insects with a wide range of colors and patterns on their wings. There are over 20,000 known species of butterflies, and they can be found on every continent except Antarctica. Some of the most well-known types of butterflies include the monarch butterfly, which is famous for its long migration from Canada to Mexico, and the swallowtail butterfly, which has large, distinctive tails on its hindwings. Butterflies undergo a complete metamorphosis, with the larvae (caterpillars) feeding on plants and the adults feeding on nectar. They are important pollinators and play a key role in many ecosystems. However, some species are threatened by habitat loss and other factors.

Types of Butterflies

Types of Butterflies | List of 30+ Types of Butterflies and Their Identifications Pin

List of Butterflies

Although there is a huge number of this type of insects that roam the earth, you may find the common types of butterflies below.

  • Brush Footed Butterfly
  • Whites and Sulfurs
  • Gossamer Winged Butterfly
  • Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
  • Ulysses Butterfly
  • Peacock Butterfly
  • Sleepy Orange Butterfly
  • Queen Alexandra Birdwing Butterfly
  • Swallowtail
  • Blue Morpho Butterfly
  • American Snout Butterfly
  • Red Admiral Butterfly
  • Mourning Cloak Butterfly
  • Monarch Butterfly
  • Creamy Marblewing Butterfly
  • Giant Owl Butterfly
  • Karner Blue Butterfly
  • European Skipper Butterfly
  • Montezuma’s Cattle Heart
  • Glasswing Butterfly
  • Julia
  • American Painted Lady Butterfly
  • Southern Dog Face
  • Small Copper Butterfly
  • Chestnut Tiger
  • 88 Butterfly
  • Dead Leaves Butterfly
  • Duke of Burgundy
  • Summer Azure Butterfly
  • Viceroy
  • Adonis Blue

Types of Butterflies and Their Identifications

Peacock Butterfly

This butterfly makes a hissing sound when they are alarmed or surprised. The color is a mix of purple, grey, and brown. We can find this type in Europe, Japan, and some parts of Asia.

Queen Alexandra Birdwing Butterfly

This butterfly has a huge wingspan, and they are considered the biggest butterflies on earth. The color is a mix of black, green, and blue. Queen Alexandra butterfly can reach up to 30 centimeters and is found in Papua New Guinea.

Blue Morpho Butterfly

This butterfly is identified by its bright, blue wing color with wings spanning over five inches. They are abundant in the tropical forests of Latin America, such as in Mexico and Columbia. This butterfly doesn’t live long as an adult cause it will only live for two to three weeks.

American Snout Butterfly

Its yellow stripes identify this butterfly along the top and sides of its body. It also has a dark green color and has two black tubercles above its thorax.

We can find this butterfly in regions of North and South America. American Snout can camouflage themselves and keep themselves safe from predators.

Red Admiral Butterfly

This butterfly is commonly found in Ireland and Britain. Its identifying mark is its black wings with white spots and orange bands. Red Admiral’s habitat includes moist fields, yards, moist wood, and marshes. They prefer warmer areas and find a habitat to lay eggs and live in a harmless surrounding.

Mourning Cloak Butterfly

They have a beautiful red and maroon color. Their creamy yellow margins with reflective display plus the shadings of purple make them identifiable as Mourning Cloak butterflies.

Their wings can grow over three inches, and we can find this species in New Hampshire, as well as in North America.

Monarch Butterfly

Their identifying marks are their color, which is a combination of black, white, and orange. There is also a marking on their wings that includes black veins, black borders, and white dots.

They are found in North, South, and Central America. There are also sightings in Australia, India, and Western Europe.

Monarch Butterflies are considered the most beautiful among this species.

Southern Dog Face

We can find this type in the South but can also fly North because of climate change.

Their identifying mark is the apparent “dogface” markings in black on their upper wings. Southern Dog Face can fly fast and have a surprising speed.

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