His Majesty, the American (movie, 1919)
Movie «His Majesty, the American» (1919)

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    « Here’s a picture for you – a romance with a regular hero, and heroine and oodles of villains an' everything. And such a hero! He cleans up everything from New York to the Mexican Border and then hops to Europe to show them how to handle a revolution. Can he do it? Well – you know Doug! (Print Ad-Ludington Daily News, ((Ludington, Mich.)) 18 December 1919)»
    Runtime 1 hr 55 min
    Budget $300 000
    Premiere: World June 16, 1922
    Premiere: USA August 31, 1919
    Production Companies Douglas Fairbanks Pictures
    Also Known As
    One of the Blood (United Kingdom)


    A man goes to Mexico and tangles with bandits. His then called to a tiny European country where a revolution is going on. It turns out that he is heir to the throne and he manages to squelch the plotters and win the girl in short order.

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