Business Directory

Search the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud, covering hundreds of millions of business records to discover insights about companies of interest to you. Or, search our industry directory to view highlights from our industry reports to gain visibility into growing markets and understand trends and forecasts. Use industry insights to target companies based on size, location, competitors and more. Our industry analysis tools help sales teams research prospects’ business challenges, call preparation questions, industry forecasts, and more.

If you want to go deeper, you can access the Data Cloud in multiple ways: through our solutions, such as D&B Hoovers for sales acceleration or D&B Finance Analytics Credit Intelligence for financial risk insights; through our APIs; or through partner solutions.

With D&B Hoovers, you can uncover targeted leads and new sales opportunities, and easily perform public and private company research to speed your selling process.

With D&B Finance Analytics Credit Intelligence, or our Business Credit reports, you can make credit decisions with confidence and increase your operational efficiency, leveraging Dun & Bradstreet’s unrivaled risk insights.