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Rachel Finch
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American Reunion Appearance
Rachel Finch
Portrayed by
Rebecca De Mornay

Rachel Finch aka Finch's Mom is the hot mother of Paul Finch. She appears in American Reunion.

American Reunion[]

Rachel is first mentioned by her son, Finch when he reveals that she bailed him out of jail for stealing the motorcycle of his boss when he did not receive a raise that he was promised.

She later on appears at the East Great Falls high school reunion to pick him up and meets Paul's frenemy, Steve Stifler. Seeing this as his chance to finally get revenge on Finch for all the times he had sex with his mother, Stifler attempts to seduce Rachel for revenge. While conversing about her time in high school and how she wished Paul was more into sports, she makes a brazen sexual pass to Stifler about how she's always been good with "sticks". This causes an awestruck Stifler to declare that he loves her and after convincing Rachel initial reservations against doing so, the duo proceed to have sex on the lacrosse field in public. She loudly and passionately encourages Stifler's proclamations about his manliness. John and Justin (the two MILF guys) happily chant MILF at the sight of Stifler and Finch's mom having sex. When Stifler calls her son a dork, however, Rachel angrily (and yet passionately) tells him to stop teasing him. Their escapade ends with her making a loud scream, implying that a massive orgasm had been reached.

Finch would soon learn of the affair the next morning, leaving him mortified and disgusted, now knowing what Stifler had gone through when had sex with his Stifler's mom.
