41 Facts about the movie Drácula - Facts.net
Sileas Harty

Written by Sileas Harty

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Afi.com

Drácula, the iconic movie that brought the legendary vampire to life, continues to captivate audiences with its dark and alluring story. Released in 1931, this horror classic has stood the test of time, leaving a lasting impression on fans of the genre. With its chilling atmosphere, haunting performances, and gripping narrative, Drácula has become a cultural phenomenon, inspiring countless adaptations and cementing its place in cinematic history. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Drácula and unravel 41 intriguing facts about the movie, shedding light on its creation, behind-the-scenes stories, and the impact it has made on the film industry. So, grab your silver crucifix and prepare to be mesmerized by the secrets and trivia surrounding this timeless vampire masterpiece.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bela Lugosi’s portrayal of Count Drácula in the 1931 movie is iconic and influential, shaping the image of vampires in popular culture for generations.
  • Drácula’s gothic atmosphere, influential score, and enduring legacy have made it a timeless classic that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.
Table of Contents

Bram Stoker’s Drácula

The movie Drácula is based on Bram Stoker’s iconic novel of the same name, which was published in 1897.

Release Date

The movie Drácula was released on May 3, 1931.

Directed by Tod Browning

Gothic horror film Drácula was directed by Tod Browning, known for his work in the horror genre.

Legendary Count Drácula

The character of Count Drácula has become one of the most iconic and enduring figures in horror cinema.

Bela Lugosi’s Portrayal

Bela Lugosi’s portrayal of Count Drácula in the movie is considered one of the most memorable and definitive performances in horror film history.

Pre-Code Era

Drácula was released during the pre-Code era of Hollywood, allowing for bolder themes and imagery compared to later films.

Box Office Success

The movie Drácula was a commercial success, grossing over $700,000 at the box office during its initial release.

Spanish Version

A Spanish-language version of Drácula was shot simultaneously with the English-language version, using a different cast.

Drácula (Spanish Version)

The Spanish version of Drácula is often praised for its superior cinematography and more dynamic performances.

Gothic Atmosphere

Drácula is known for its dark, gothic atmosphere, which contributes to the overall chilling and eerie experience.

Influential Score

The movie Drácula features an influential score composed by Philip Glass, which adds to the tension and suspense of the film.

Costume Design

The costumes in Drácula were designed by renowned artist and costume designer, Vera West, who created iconic looks for the characters.

Adaptation of the Stage Play

The movie Drácula was adapted from the popular stage play, which starred Bela Lugosi in the title role as well.

Cinematic Influences

Drácula served as a major influence on subsequent vampire films, setting the tone and visual style for future adaptations.

Iconic Quotes

The movie Drácula contains several iconic quotes, such as “Listen to them, children of the night. What music they make!” spoken by the Count.

Production Design

The production design of Drácula showcases intricate sets and detailed gothic architecture, creating a visually stunning backdrop for the story.

Drácula’s Impact on Pop Culture

Drácula significantly influenced popular culture, shaping the perception and portrayal of vampires in various forms of media.

Critics’ Reception

Upon its release, Drácula received mixed reviews from critics, with praise for Lugosi’s performance and the atmosphere of the film.

Legacy of Drácula

Drácula’s legacy continues to endure, with numerous sequels, spin-offs, and remakes being produced over the years.

Drácula’s Hypnotic Gaze

Count Drácula’s ability to hypnotize his victims with his intense gaze has become an iconic characteristic of the vampire.

Renfield’s Character

The character of Renfield, played by Dwight Frye, serves as a memorable and tortured minion of Count Drácula.

Expressionist Influence

Drácula draws inspiration from German expressionist films, incorporating their distinctive visual style and use of shadows.

Drácula’s Vulnerabilities

The movie explores the vulnerabilities of Count Drácula, such as his fear of sunlight, crucifixes, and garlic.


Drácula features intertitles, which were commonly used during the silent film era to convey dialogue and narrative elements.

Censorship Concerns

Due to the nature of the film’s content, Drácula faced censorship concerns and alterations in some countries.

Drácula’s Seductive Charm

Count Drácula is portrayed as a seductive and charismatic character, capable of captivating his victims with his charm.

Gothic Romance

Drácula explores themes of gothic romance, with the character of Mina Harker being drawn to the allure of the vampire.

Classic Horror Elements

Drácula incorporates classic horror elements such as blood-sucking, transformations, and supernatural powers.

Drácula’s Immortality

The movie delves into the concept of Drácula’s immortality and the eternal struggle between life and death.

Cultural Significance

Drácula holds significant cultural and historical importance as one of the early horror films that shaped the genre.

Theatrical Distribution

Drácula was distributed by Universal Pictures, a major studio known for its contributions to the horror genre.

Drácula on Broadway

The success of the movie Drácula led to a Broadway adaptation, which further cemented the character’s popularity.

Academy Award Nominations

Drácula received three Academy Award nominations, including Best Art Direction and Best Cinematography.

Influence on Vampire Lore

Drácula’s portrayal of the vampire has influenced popular vampire lore, including traits like fangs, immortality, and supernatural abilities.

International Appeal

Drácula gained international appeal and introduced the character to audiences around the world.

Historical Context

Drácula is set in the late nineteenth century, reflecting the societal and cultural norms of the Victorian era.

Drácula’s Manipulative Nature

Count Drácula is depicted as a manipulative character, preying on the vulnerabilities and desires of his victims.

Gothic Horror Revival

The success of Drácula contributed to the revival of gothic horror in the film industry during the 1930s.

Merchandising and Popularity

Drácula’s popularity led to a wide range of merchandising, including posters, toys, and collectibles.

Cultural Icon

Count Drácula has transcended the realm of cinema to become a cultural icon, representing the epitome of vampirism.

Enduring Legacy

The movie Drácula continues to captivate audiences and inspire new generations of filmmakers, solidifying its enduring legacy.


In conclusion, Drácula is not just another vampire movie. It is a cinematic masterpiece that has left a lasting impact on the horror genre. With its iconic performances, stunning visuals, and a captivating storyline, it continues to be a favorite among moviegoers worldwide.

Whether you’re a fan of classic horror films or simply looking for a thrilling and atmospheric movie experience, Drácula is a must-watch. So grab some popcorn, dim the lights, and prepare to be enthralled by the gripping tale of the infamous Count Drácula.


Q: Who directed the movie Drácula?

A: The movie Drácula was directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

Q: When was the movie Drácula released?

A: The movie Drácula was released on November 13, 1992.

Q: Is Drácula based on a book?

A: Yes, Drácula is based on Bram Stoker’s classic novel “Dracula,” which was published in 1897.

Q: Who portrayed the character of Drácula?

A: Drácula was portrayed by the acclaimed actor Gary Oldman.

Q: What is the runtime of the movie Drácula?

A: The runtime of the movie Drácula is approximately 128 minutes.

Q: Did Drácula win any awards?

A: Yes, Drácula won three Academy Awards for Best Costume Design, Best Sound Effects Editing, and Best Makeup.

Q: Where was Drácula filmed?

A: Drácula was primarily filmed on location in Romania, as well as at various studios in the United Kingdom.

Q: Is Drácula a romantic movie?

A: Yes, Drácula incorporates romantic elements into its storyline, which adds depth and complexity to the characters and their relationships.

Q: Can I watch Drácula with my family?

A: Drácula is rated R for its intense horror scenes, violence, and sexual content. It is recommended for mature audiences.

Q: Is Drácula available for streaming?

A: Yes, Drácula is available for streaming on various platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu.

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