David Coverdale talks about how he dealt with the death of Tawney Kitaen | WTGZ - Union Springs, AL

David Coverdale talks about how he dealt with the death of Tawney Kitaen


Tawney Kitaen, star of several White Snake music videos, passed away in May.

David Coverdale, frontman of the band, was married to Kitaen in 1989, with the couple divorcing in 1991. According to Coverdale, the two hadn’t communicated since the divorce, but it was still a shock to him.

“Really, to be honest, there had been no communication for over 30 years. I’ve been deeply invested, and continue to be invested, in my marriage to (my current wife) Cindy. … I think it would have been different had Tawny and I had a child, but we didn’t. And I sent my condolences out to her family and friends, and made a modest public statement because it really wasn’t my place to do anything else.”

For full details and to hear the full interview, check out this article from Ultimate Classic Rock.

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