140+ Movies And Shows With Holiday In The Title
Photo: Sony Pictures Releasing / Paramount Pictures / Paramount Pictures

140+ Movies And Shows With Holiday In The Title

Jason Bancroft
May 5, 2024 141 items

As the holiday season approaches, there's nothing quite like curling up with a festive movie or show to get into the spirit of things. But have you ever noticed how many great films and series have "Holiday" in the title? It turns out, it's more than just a few. From heartwarming classics to hilarious escapades and thrilling adventures, movies and shows with "Holiday" in their names come in all flavors, each offering its unique take on what it means to celebrate.

What makes these holiday-themed titles so special? Perhaps they can transport us straight into the festive mood, or maybe it’s the way they explore themes of love, family, and joy. These films and shows are sure to entertain and create lasting memories that resonate long after the decorations have been packed away.

To help you navigate this array of films and shows, we've put together a ranked list based on popularity as voted by fans like you. Whether you're looking for something nostalgic or seeking new holiday gems to add to your yearly watchlist, our guide is packed with crowd-pleasers that will bring extra cheer to your seasonal celebrations. So grab some hot cocoa and a comfy blanket - let’s dive into some of the best movies and shows with "Holiday" in their titles that are guaranteed to light up your holidays.