Cannondale Hooligan | Road Bike, Cycling Forums
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Cannondale Hooligan

5K views 7 replies 8 participants last post by  rward325 
#1 ·
#4 ·
Holy cow! I just went from 1)not knowing they existed to 2)being repulsed by it to 3)really, really wanting one. All in about 5 minutes. What a cool toy - a grown up BMX, for mail, pizza and beer runs, when helmets are optional (obey all local ordinances and regulations, your mileage may vary) all F-U-N. I'd finally feel the need for combo SPD/ratrap pedals. I'd put my weathered Flite saddle and Maura Martas on it, and then build a set of wheels for it (need a project for my third pair). I dig.
#5 ·
I have a white Hooligan 3. It's a cool bike for urban riding. It's small enough that it's not noticeable when I ride it to work. Compared to my Dahon folding bike, it's more stable and accelerates faster. I like the simplicity of the 3 speed internal geared rear hub. It's not light at 25lbs but it's a looker.
#8 ·
Saw this at the ToC. I actually like it for an errand bike like someone said. For when I don't want to take my nice bikes to the grocery store and wrap a lock around it.
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