Blackberry Classic Stuck on Restart - BlackBerry Forums at
  1. jrwolf08's Avatar
    So I've been using my Classic of a few weeks now. And I restarted the device, holding down the power button and letting the countdown go to 0, and now it is stuck on a Verizon screen and I cannot get it off of this screen, it's been about an hour so far. See attachment.

    EDIT: I did connect it to my computer and opened Blackberry Link and it is not recognizing the device as plugged in.
    Attached Thumbnails Blackberry Classic Stuck on Restart-classic-restart-suck.jpg  
    03-11-15 08:15 PM
  2. anon(9208252)'s Avatar
    Try holding the volume up and down buttons in together until you see the loading circle.
    03-11-15 08:41 PM
  3. jrwolf08's Avatar
    Holding the up/down volume buttons at the same time does nothing. Held them for over a minute a few times.
    03-11-15 08:48 PM
  4. anon(9208252)'s Avatar
    You will probably have to plug into a pc and run an autoloader and restore the Os or return for warranty.
    jezy1m3rchant likes this.
    03-11-15 08:50 PM
  5. jrwolf08's Avatar
    That's what I was afraid of.
    03-11-15 09:04 PM
  6. anon(9208252)'s Avatar
    That's what I was afraid of.
    As your still under warranty, you should try a loader, it might fix it.
    03-11-15 09:07 PM
  7. fattyacid's Avatar

    Posted via CB10
    jezy1m3rchant likes this.
    03-11-15 09:24 PM
  8. 2Peks1Bird's Avatar
    I had the same problem. My phone won't turn on. Turned out my power button got stuck pressed down inside (the physical power button is not pressed).

    I pressed on the power button really hard and it seemed to have released something inside and it no longer kept rebooting.

    My problem now is that sometimes when I press the power button, it shows the 3 second count down and turns off the phone instead of just locking it.

    Posted via the CrackBerry App for Android
    03-15-15 10:15 AM
  9. LukeRoz's Avatar
    I know this is an old thread but the same thing happened to me this morning. Searched for about an hour before i found out about the "alt-delete-right shift key" reset. Couldn't believe it came straight from Verizon's site...and it WORKED!
    Alternate Reset - BlackBerry Classic | Verizon Wireless
    anon(3641385) likes this.
    08-05-16 07:30 AM
  10. thepartner's Avatar
    I know this is an old thread but the same thing happened to me this morning. Searched for about an hour before i found out about the "alt-delete-right shift key" reset. Couldn't believe it came straight from Verizon's site...and it WORKED!
    Alternate Reset - BlackBerry Classic | Verizon Wireless
    Had the same issue, the device was continuously rebooting. None the power or volume keys worked. Resolved with alt+delete+right **** key after several attempts
    06-06-17 08:50 AM

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