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The Pas Local News

Local author to publish new book

A book release will be happening in the community.


Author Sandra Hayes-Gardiner - born and raised in The Pas - says her book was influenced heavily by her early years and growing up in the community that was divided by the river in the 50s and 60s.


Gardiner said back then she lived on what in her book is referred to as the white privileged side noting that she grew up knowing very little about the Cree people and their ways.


In her later years, she began working in Indigenous communities as a psychotherapist and social worker.


The Book “Crossing the River” is based on her experiences in this field and on her experiences growing up in a community that was heavily segregated.


The book weighs heavily on truth and reconciliation taking all of Gardiner's life experiences into consideration.


Council Member Edwin Jebb - the book's proofreader - said “Earlier drafts had Sandra’s guilt written all over it," but it touches base on the segregation in institutions like schools, theatres, and others.


It also looks at the steps and strides that have been made by not just the Indigenous community, but by others as well.


Gardiner says the writing and release of this book lifted a weight off her shoulders and hopes for continued efforts for truth and reconciliation from all sides.


The Book release will happen at The UCN on October 2nd at 7  p.m. for anyone interested in picking up copies.


To listen to the full live interview, visit The Pas Today.

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