Steve Buscemi Dresses As "How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?" Meme for Halloween - Consequence

Steve Buscemi Dresses As “How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?” Meme for Halloween

The actor sported a red baseball cap and "music band" t-shirt as he handed out candy in Park Slope

Steve Buscemi Dresses As “How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?” Meme for Halloween
Steve Buscemi, photo via @harrislynn / Twitter

    “How do you do, fellow kids?” is how Steve Buscemi greeted trick or treaters who stopped by his Park Slope, Brooklyn home on Halloween. In what is without a doubt the year’s best Halloween costume, Buscemi donned the infamous outfit that inspired one of the Internet’s famous memes.

    On an episode of 30 Rock aired in 2012, Buscemi cameoed as a private detective named Lenny Wosniak. In one especially memorable scene, Buscemi’s recounts the time he infiltrated a high school by donning a backward red baseball cap, red hoodie, “music band” t-shirt, and skateboard and greeting students by saying, “How do you do, fellow kids?” The scene quickly became a viral sensation and remains an extremely popular meme nearly a decade later.

    Wearing that very same outfit (skateboard included!), Buscemi handed out candy and posed for photos outside of his home earlier this evening. See the photos for yourself below.

    Buscemi’s neighbor, Elvis Costello, was also handing out candy.
