Comedian Richie D' Horsie Dies Due to Diabetes | PhilNews

Comedian Richie D’ Horsie Dies Due to Diabetes

Veteran comedian Richie D’ Horsie dies on Friday evening, April 17, 2015 as announced by screenwriter-actress Bibeth Orteza on her official Facebook page on Saturday morning. According to Bibeth Orteza, Richie D’ Horsie dies due to diabetes and has been in and out of the hospital for the past few years.


According to the Richie D’ Horsie’s friend, the actor who became well-known in the 70’s passed away at around 10:00 PM on Friday night. Bibeth Orteza stated on Facebook that: “Rest in Peace, Ricardo Reyes, aka Richie D’ Horsie.”

Ritchie D’ Horsie and Bibeth Orteza were co-stars in the hit TV comedy show “Iskul Bukol” that features the country’s most popular trio Tito Sotto, Vic Sotto and Joey de Leon or more popularly known as “Tito, Vic, and Joey.”

The comedian Richie D’ Horsie or Ricardo Reyes in real life was one of the original cast in the popular TV shows such as “Discorama,” “Iskul Bukol,” and “Eat Bulaga.”

Richie D’ Horsie was once feature in one of the episode of Ces Drilon’s “People” wherein he shared about how fame and fortune got to his head and how illegal activities pulled him down away from stardom. He was even jailed for his illegal deeds but his friends in the entertainment industry did not forget him, instead they help him to recover.

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