Because of Winn Dixie | Setting & Analysis - Lesson |
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Because of Winn Dixie | Setting & Analysis

Candace Lehman, April Gwen Ellsworth
  • Author
    Candace Lehman

    Candace Lehman has taught all subject areas in 4th and 5th grade for over 12 years. She has a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education from Missouri State University. She holds a lifetime teaching certificate in the state of Missouri for Birth-6th Grade.

  • Instructor
    April Gwen Ellsworth

    April has a master's degree in psychology and has experience teaching special populations from preschoolers to adults.

What is Because of Winn-Dixie about? See a plot summary for this book, define setting, explore setting in Because of Winn-Dixie, and contrast the details in the book with the film adaptation. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

Where did Opal find Winn Dixie?

Opal finds Winn-Dixie when he accidentally enters the grocery store and causes major commotion. She tells the grocery store clerk that the dog is hers and names him Winn-Dixie.

What is the theme of Because of Winn Dixie?

The theme of Because of Winn-Dixie is acceptance and perception. Opal finally came to the realization, with the help of her Daddy and new friends, that she has a wonderful life full of people that love her.

What is the plot of Because of Winn Dixie?

The plot of a story is the sequence of events that take place. The plot of Winn-Dixie is a young girl, Opal, is lonely and does not have any friends. She finds and adopts a dog, Winn-Dixie, and starts to meet new people. She eventually learns how to accept the life she has and becomes happy and filled with love.

What is the lesson in Because of Winn Dixie?

The lesson in Because of Winn-Dixie is to learn to accept life and find happiness where you can. The story follows a young girl, Opal, who struggles with the loneliness of a new town in addition to abandonment issues from her past.

What year is Because of Winn Dixie set in?

The exact year of the setting of Because of Winn-Dixie is never stated by author, Katie DiCamillo. There are hints in the story to suggest that it takes place between 1950s to 1990s.

Because of Winn-Dixie, is about a young girl, Opal, who is lonely and feels abandoned by her mother. She and her Daddy move from their house in Tampa, to a small town of Naomi, Florida. She makes a friend with a dog, Winn-Dixie, and he becomes her companion and leads her into other new friendships. By the end of the story, Opal is no longer sad and becomes happy and accepts her life the way it is.

Katie DiCamillo is the author of the Award winning, Because of Winn-Dixie.

Katie DiCamillo

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  • 0:04 Setting
  • 1:19 Trailer Home & Church
  • 2:06 Library & Pet Store
  • 2:57 Gloria Dump's Home
  • 3:27 Lesson Summary

The setting of a story is the time and place that is described in the story. The Because of Winn-Dixie takes place in the summer, in the small town of Naomi, Florida. The year the story takes place isn't exact, but one can infer, based on clues given, it is somewhere between the 1950s and 1990s. The author, Katie DiCamillo, gives clues to this setting of time, such as the Winn-Dixie grocery store chain, the dialect of some of the characters, and the slower pace of the town.

Because of Winn-Dixie takes place in the small town of Naomi, Florida.

Where does Because of Winn-Dixie take place?

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The story takes the main character to places such as her home at the Friendly Corners Trailer Park , Open Arms Baptist Church of Naomi, the Herman W. Block Memorial Library, the pet store, Gertrude's Pets, and her friend, Gloria Dump's, home and yard.

Friendly Corners Trailer Park

Friendly Corners Trailer Park is where Opal, her daddy, and Winn-Dixie live in Naomi, Florida. The park does not allow pets, but they make an exception for Winn-Dixie with some convincing from Opal. Opal, The Preacher, and Winn-Dixie live in a small trailer that has two bedrooms and a couch that Winn-Dixie likes to sit on. Their home is small enough to rattle during a big thunderstorm.

Open Arms Baptist Church of Naomi

Open Arms Baptist Church is where Opal spends a lot of her time because her Daddy is the preacher. The church, "isn't a regular looking church", because it used to be a Pick-It-Quick store. As you walk through the door, the first thing you see is the "Pick-It-Quick" motto spelled out in tiny red tiles on the floor. The Preacher has tried to paint over them, but it just won't stay.

The church has no pews, so people bring folding chairs and lawn chairs. Mice stay around to eat the leftovers from all the potluck dinners. Opal says, "It's kind of a strange church, and I thought Winn-Dixie would fit right in."

The church is the scene of a funny moment in the book. Opal ties Winn-Dixie up outside, and then she goes inside for the church service. Winn-Dixie howls loudly, interrupting the preaching, and causes a major distraction for the church service. Her Daddy finally tells her to go and let him come inside, so she does, and from this point on Winn-Dixie always goes into the church with her.

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The Because of Winn Dixie book was made into a movie in 2005 by 20th Century Fox. The book and the movie settings are very similar. The movie brings important settings in Because of Winn-Dixie to life. An example of this is the red tiles that still clearly read "Pick It Quick" in the church.

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Because of Winn-Dixie is written by award winning, American author Katie DiCamillo.

The plot of a story is the sequence of events of a story and how they relate to each usually in a cause and effect relationship. The basic plot of Because of Winn Dixie is the story of a young girl who is lonely and alone, and she finds friendships in strange ways. She finally learns to accept her life the way it is, and she feels loved and happy with her new friends.

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Video Transcript


Do you look forward to summer vacation when school is out and there's more time to play in the warm weather? Imagine summer begins and you move to a new town. How would you find friends, and what would you do all summer?

This happens to 10-year old India Opal Buloni the summer she and her father move to Naomi, Florida, providing the setting for Because of Winn-Dixie. A book's setting is where and when the story takes place.

Although author Kate DiCamillo doesn't specify the year the summer happens, some clues tell us it's probably sometime between the 1960s and 1990s. A few of these clues are the use of the Winn-Dixie store, the slower pace of the town, the way the characters speak, and the things they talk about.

We definitely know a lot about Naomi, though, because of the words DiCamillo uses to describe this quiet town off of Highway 50. Hot, summery Naomi is so small that Opal and her father, the preacher, are able to walk all of it one stormy evening looking for their lost dog, Winn-Dixie. Life is slower here, and it seems everyone knows at least a little about everyone else.

Within Naomi are several places Opal and Winn-Dixie spend most of their time. These are important parts of the setting.

Trailer Home & Church

Opal, the preacher, and Winn-Dixie live in a small trailer in Friendly Corners Trailer Park. It has two bedrooms and a couch that Winn-Dixie likes to sit on. Their home is small enough to rattle during a big thunderstorm.

The Open Arms Baptist Church is Opal's dad's church. It ''isn't a regular looking church'' because it used to be a Pick-It-Quick store. As you walk through the door, the first thing you see is the Pick-It-Quick motto spelled out in tiny red tiles on the floor. The Preacher has tried to paint over them, but it just won't stay.

The church has no pews, so people bring folding chairs and lawn chairs. Mice stay around to eat the leftovers from all the potluck dinners. Opal says, ''It's kind of a strange church, and I thought Winn-Dixie would fit right in.''

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