Currency converter and latest foreign exchange rate information

Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.92 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9218629
AED 3.67353 JPY 156.967
ARS 890.743 KRW 1366.42
AUD 1.50866 MAD 9.96681
BRL 5.16739 MXN 16.6955
CAD 1.36657 NOK 10.5819
CHF 0.914686 NZD 1.63338
CNY 7.11024 PHP 58.1677
CZK 22.7164 PLN 3.92065
DKK 6.87788 RUB 89.5992
EUR 0.921863 SEK 10.6672
GBP 0.785188 SGD 1.34995
HKD 7.81336 THB 36.6431
HUF 353.991 TRY 32.2275
ILS 3.65947 USD 1
INR 83.0691 ZAR 18.42
BHD 0.377042 MYR 4.70805
BOB 6.90567 NAD 18.3671
CLP 903.787 NGN 1468.42
COP 3866.85 NPR 132.903
DOP 58.8461 OMR 0.38497
EGP 47.1478 PAB 0.999392
IDR 16044.8 PEN 3.73559
IRR 42074.7 PKR 278.013
ISK 138.196 RON 4.5871
JMD 156.403 SAR 3.75106
JOD 0.709189 TWD 32.2525
KES 130.416 UAH 40.113
KWD 0.306999 UYU 38.4886
LBP 89493.8 VES 36.505
LKR 299.335 VND 25471
AWG 1.80258 MGA 4428.15
BAM 1.80298 MKD 56.8052
BBD 2.01787 MUR 46.0839
BDT 117.224 MVR 15.4565
BGN 1.80307 PYG 7516.87
BMD 1.00252 QAR 3.64441
BSD 0.999392 RSD 107.991
BWP 13.5785 SCR 13.7533
FJD 2.26788 TND 3.11968
GHS 14.5405 TTD 6.78676
GMD 67.7741 UGX 3802.68
GTQ 7.7622 XAF 604.702
KHR 4076.48 XCD 2.70287
LAK 21390 XOF 604.734
MDL 17.6502 XPF 110.713
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Most Popular Currencies

  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Australian Dollar - AUD
  3. Euro - EUR
  4. Mexican Peso - MXN
  5. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  6. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  7. Japanese Yen - JPY
  8. Chinese Yuan - CNY
  9. Philippine Peso - PHP
  10. Swiss Franc - CHF