Portrait of Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of the popular social networking website Facebook, in the company's Palo Alto office.Credit: Redux / eyevine For further information please contact eyevine tel: +44 (0) 20 8709 8709 e-mail: info@eyevine.com www.eyevine.com
Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, in the company’s Palo Alto office in March 2006 © Redux / eyevine

In the early 2000s, a young Mark Zuckerberg, ticked off by Harvard University for allegedly stealing a business idea for a social network from the Winklevoss twins, longed to graduate to an adult world with no disciplinary boards or school newspapers to answer to. “Only the new york times and the federal courts haha,” he wrote to a friend, in what now appears to be a prescient exchange.

In Facebook: The Inside Story, journalist and author Steven Levy charts the rise of Zuckerberg as he morphs Facebook from a cliquey, college-focused networking website into a mobile-first “open social utility”, as he envisioned it, with nearly 3bn users, guided by the move-fast-and-break-things mantra.

It is a fashionable moment to study evolutionary tales of big tech: Levy joins a flock of Silicon Valley reporters racing books to the printing press about companies that have risen out of the dotcom boom, and carelessly or inadvertently wrought havoc on the world.

In the case of Facebook, the outstanding allegations — coming today from politicians and regulators alike — are many and severe: Facebook the outrage machine, the fake-news factory, the democracy destroyer.

Facebook’s early years have already been well chronicled in books and in David Fincher’s 2010 film The Social Network . But through interviews with numerous (media-trained) current and former executives, Levy digs into how both the public and regulators slowly began to wake up to the way the internet — and digital advertising in particular — actually works.

With the help of “comms-driven” chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg, Zuckerberg’s team pioneered the powerful, and ultimately dangerous, combination of a digital news feed that rewarded viral and provocative posts to grab users’ attention, and a new frontier for marketers in the age of big data. With regards to the latter, innovations included the development of now hotly debated microtargeting tools to allow brands and politicians to show adverts to small subsections of users based on their interests, and tracking online behaviour far beyond the invisible confines of Facebook’s platform.

From the get-go, Zuckerberg’s ambitions were sweeping: leaked pages from his 2006 journal, which he titled “the book of change”, outline his plans to capture users’ information before they had even joined the platform via so-called “dark profiles”. Levy’s sources disagree over whether these profiles were ever actually created or not.

Meanwhile, efforts to hide the extent of this for-profit data mining from users, with Zuckerberg keen not to let the platform seem “creepy”, were undermined by countless early product mishaps and privacy-related snafus through the mid- and late-2000s — which Levy dubs “unheeded warnings” of what is to come. There was huge backlash, for example, against Facebook’s out-of-the-blue decision in 2009 to make users’ posts public by default, rather than viewable only by their friend network, and to make their friends lists public.

The book is also a look at the many faces of Zuckerberg. We see the younger, sensitive entrepreneur weeping on the floor of the men’s room of a Californian restaurant when forced to pass over a much-liked early investor (Washington Post publisher Don Graham, in 2005) in favour of a higher venture capitalist bidder. And throughout, Levy regularly describes Zuckerberg’s awkward and unnerving silences during interviews and meetings — which can be unsettling given that his self-professed goal is to connect people.

But the most pervasive impression is of a merciless, Roman emperor-loving Zuckerberg (we discover he is a fan of autocrat Augustus), who is forever buying up or copying competitors and giving to the developers that build on Facebook’s platform with one hand and taking away with another, whenever it suits Facebook’s business interests. (Such behaviours are being scrutinised by regulators in ongoing US federal and state antitrust cases.)

Levy offers several narratives to explain the most chaotic events in Facebook’s history: bombshell revelations that Russian operatives weaponised the platform in order to interfere in the US 2016 election — and that the data of 87m users had leaked to Cambridge Analytica, a data analytics group that did work for Donald Trump’s campaign.

First, so desperate were the press-sensitive top brass to be seen as non-partisan, they took a dangerously hands-off approach to content moderation. “In order to avoid interfering with the election, Facebook effectively gave a green light to misleading, sensationalistic posts that themselves arguably interfered with the election,” Levy writes.

Second, Levy advances the theory that the way that Zuckerberg and Sandberg split responsibilities (he in charge of the product itself, she “the rest”) left the issue of disinformation overlooked by both parties.

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Yet when the damage is finally done and Facebook employees find evidence of Russian meddling, there is little excuse for what happens next: Russia is not mentioned in the platform’s public statements so as to not upset the recently elected president, and the company sits on further updates for months. No one appears to take responsibility for the omissions. Sandberg is later accused in the New York Times of signing off on the decision but “vociferously” denies it to Levy, while Alex Stamos, Facebook’s then security chief, tells the author he does not consider the report to be a “whitewash”.

Facebook is known for its often hostile relationship with the press, so the company’s willing participation in Levy’s book raises questions about the parameters of his access. Many of the executives and associates quoted are now millionaires or even billionaires thanks to Facebook. For example, Levy tells us earnestly of Zuckerberg’s desire to “give people a voice” — the exact phrase parroted by the founder recently as defence for his contentious decision to allow political advertising to run on the platform without fact checking.

But ultimately the portrait is unforgiving. The book closes with a recognition that Facebook is bulldozing ahead with new innovations — from Facebook dating to its Libra digital currency project — while Zuckerberg continues to shrug off any ethical queries about his past behaviour.

“His mea culpas are tempered by a refrain that the emergence of those problems, and Facebook’s inattention as they proliferated, were results of over-optimism rather than complacency or greed,” Levy writes. It is possible the real tale may not be over quite yet.

Facebook: The Inside Story , by Steven Levy, Blue Rider Press RRP$30/Penguin Business RRP£20, 592 pages

Hannah Murphy is an FT tech correspondent

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