The Meaning Behind The Song: Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds


The Meaning Behind The Song: Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds


As a music enthusiast, I have come across many songs that have left a lasting impact on me, both musically and emotionally. One such song that has always resonated with me is “Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow” by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. The hauntingly beautiful melody combined with the thought-provoking lyrics make this song a true gem in the world of music.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow” paint a vivid and chilling image of isolation and despair. The song begins with the question, “Where is Mona? She’s long gone. Where is Mary? She’s taken her along.” These lines imply the disappearance of two individuals, leaving behind a sense of emptiness. The repeated mention of “fifteen feet of pure white snow” throughout the song further emphasizes the profound loneliness and isolation depicted in the lyrics.

In the second verse, the song introduces a sense of urgency and panic. The lines “Where is Michael? Where is Mark? Where is Matthew? Now it’s getting dark” evoke a feeling of desperation and fear. The image of being buried under fifteen feet of snow creates a sense of suffocation and helplessness.

The pre-chorus delves deeper into the bleakness and despair felt by the narrator. Lines like “It’s too quiet in here and I’m beginning to freeze” and “I’ve got icicles hanging from my knees” metaphorically portray the emotional freezing and numbness experienced by the narrator. The chorus asks us to raise our hands up to the sky, perhaps as a plea for help or a desperate cry for attention.

The lyrics continue to explore themes of isolation and longing in the later verses, with lines such as “My neighbour is my enemy” and “I can’t remember ever feeling this bad.” The song ends with a powerful plea for salvation and self-preservation in the outro, reflecting the desperate desire to escape the suffocating darkness.

The Message

“Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow” can be interpreted in various ways, as art often allows for individual experiences and emotions to shape its meaning. To me, this song is a poetic representation of the depths of despair and loneliness that one can face. It speaks to the feelings of isolation, longing, and the need for human connection that we all experience at some point in our lives.

Nick Cave’s distinctive storytelling ability allows him to connect with listeners on a deep and personal level. The song’s imagery of snow becomes a powerful symbol for emotional void and a cathartic release for those who have felt trapped beneath the weight of their own emotions.

Personal Connection

Listening to “Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow” for the first time was a profound experience for me. The haunting melody combined with Nick Cave’s raw and emotive vocals instantly captivated my attention. The lyrics struck a chord within me, reminding me of the times when I too felt isolated and lost in my own thoughts.

This song became a companion during moments of solitude, allowing me to reflect on my own struggles and find solace in the shared experiences expressed through the music. It gave me a sense of comfort, knowing that I was not alone in my feelings and that others have grappled with similar emotions.


“Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow” by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds is a song that transcends the boundaries of music. Its evocative lyrics and haunting melody encapsulate the depths of human emotion, particularly the feelings of isolation and longing. Listening to this song is a cathartic experience that allows one to reflect on their own struggles and find solace in a shared human experience.

Whether you’re a fan of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds or simply appreciate well-crafted music, “Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow” is a song that deserves your attention. Its deep, thought-provoking lyrics and haunting melody will leave an indelible impression on your soul, ensuring that this song remains etched in your memory for years to come.

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