Dee Murray |

Dee Murray

Discussion in 'Bassists [BG]' started by VanzKantDanz, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. VanzKantDanz

    VanzKantDanz Guest

    Sep 4, 2007
    I haven't seen a thread about him recently so I thought I'd bring him up.
    Recently I got REALLY heavy into Elton John and I've discovered the understated and THE WAY underated session bassist for Elton John, Dee Murray. His playing on Someone Saved my Life Tonight is subtle but distinctive and full. I just thought that we should bring him up and discuss him.
  2. MonetBass

    MonetBass ♪ Just listen ♫ Supporting Member

    Sep 15, 2006
    His playing on the entire Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album is incredible. He had a wonderful knack for playing what was needed, and nothing more.
  3. There was a big thread on Dee on here a little while back.
  4. I started playing his stuff from the Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album on an old guitar my sister had back in 1974 before I even picked up a bass.
  5. VanzKantDanz

    VanzKantDanz Guest

    Sep 4, 2007
    Really? I should go through the threads to find it.
  6. CYoung


    Nov 30, 2000
    Gainesville, FL
  7. I searched & found 6 pages of old Dee Murray stuff. Great player, of course.
  8. iamthebassman


    Feb 24, 2004
    Endorsing Artist: Phantom Guitars, Eastwood Guitars
    You'll find that Dee is well loved and respected on this forum.
  9. VanzKantDanz

    VanzKantDanz Guest

    Sep 4, 2007
    That's good to know, legends deserved to be respected, even if the media never catches them like they do so many others. In the halls of rock and roll bass players, I feel Dee stands out as one of the very best.
  10. iamthebassman


    Feb 24, 2004
    Endorsing Artist: Phantom Guitars, Eastwood Guitars
    Well said. He was my inspiration to take up the bass in the 70s.
  11. John50

    John50 Guest

    Feb 5, 2008
    Hi I'm new here. Was just searching anything on Dee Murray and this "Talk BASS" page came up, so I've joined.

    Pretty much all of Goodbye Yellow Brick Road is excellent, but for me the one song that stands out completely in regard to Dee is his sweet, melting, lilting, smooth as silk, gorgeous bass line in "The Ballard Of Danny Bailey"
    Is that a Ricky Bass he is playing for that tune?? I am not sure, but would love to know.

    John (New Zealand)
  12. I love his playing on "Love Lies Bleeding" from Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Great bass work and I'm instantly tranported back to the 70s when I hear that tune.

    A TBer, can't remember his name at the moment, owns a Steinberger that was previously played by Dee on some of Elton's recordings.
  13. CYoung


    Nov 30, 2000
    Gainesville, FL
    Ok, I just went and listened to this song and, yes, what wonderful bass playing! Somewhat Beatles-like. Sounds like he is using a pick getting those nice chunky thumpy notes.

    Did he play on Honky Cat?
  14. iamthebassman


    Feb 24, 2004
    Endorsing Artist: Phantom Guitars, Eastwood Guitars
    Tho' Dee did own a Ric, the song was probably recorded with a Fender Jazz. In the Classic Album DVD of GYBR (late) producer Gus Dudgeon isolates Dee's bass part on this song. Its a cool section of the DVD but too short.
  15. iamthebassman


    Feb 24, 2004
    Endorsing Artist: Phantom Guitars, Eastwood Guitars
    Yes to pick and Honky Cat.
  16. iamthebassman


    Feb 24, 2004
    Endorsing Artist: Phantom Guitars, Eastwood Guitars
    See signature. The bass was used to record the EJ album "Too Low For Zero" and its single "I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues".
  17. Ooops, do I ever feel foolish.:) What a great thing to have. Must be a cool feeling to put on the album and know it's your bass you're hearing.

    What bass did Dee play on Love Lies Bleeding? It sure sounds like a Rickenbacker.
  18. JimK


    Dec 12, 1999
  19. iamthebassman


    Feb 24, 2004
    Endorsing Artist: Phantom Guitars, Eastwood Guitars
    I got to see Alice back then, he introduced Dee and Davey as "they play with that fat piano player from England". ;)

    "What bass did Dee play on Love Lies Bleeding? It sure sounds like a Rickenbacker."

    Fender Jazz.

    I've posted this before, a Dee bio is in the works, lots of research is being done, I've been asked to be involved, the author would love to hear any thoughts you may have on Dee; his influence on your playing, etc.
    Email me and I'll forward your comments:

    [email protected]
  20. I'm a big fan of his work with the Mirage in the 1960's.